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Bug 000326

When Created: 10/17/2000 18:42:01
Against DJGPP version: 2.03
By whom: airylove@brhs.com.br
Abstract: DJGPP 'invading' other files of my HD while compiling.... and putting them in the final EXE.
My code was:

main ()

Compiled in a DOS prompt in Win98 and ME like this.
Now look at the edited EXE file (96k size):

(Remember, this is the COMPILED EXE...)
(What you can read is indeed from other archieves in my HD...)


MZ '`T
stub.h generated from stub.asm by djasm, on Thu Dec  9 10:59:31 1999
The STUB.EXE stub loader is Copyright (C) 1993-1995 DJ Delorie. 
Permission granted to use for any purpose provided this copyright 
remains present and unmodified. 
This only applies to the stub, and not necessarily the whole program.

$Id: stub.asm built 12/09/99 10:59:31 by djasm $

@(#) stub.asm built 12/09/99 10:59:31 by djasm

go32stub, v 2.02T@CWSDPMI.EXE$`0!<smi 	up9sÉǹJ!sω&,10&=PAu&=THu
&==uG>Ou߯>!>!W1tn~^	uAr/	ut>6_>*6b>,t#,GtCf.EXEb=d!ù?!11ɡ=Lt=MZ		tډB!?!=u>Lafffffff+fffKfOfff9sff1f	t
H!&(أ"11r11f16>1	ɃQɛ1I11	Yɓ1I11s=s1j f6f>fIf6f>#f'7f>KfOf1fgf>!1fd.ff%f)f)f&f>"6>f6B:FBN>G?(	u	&; v Bٷf1ɋFf>"f"f)&f1gff&u<:t</t<\þd&G8tt
FutðfHgUh_Rb$d(ijkliR;[gL!CP!X$u
$PQW1*_YXø!1f*1÷0Nދ>;AdtD*t\Fr4DCFuW*__dK!_r	M!-(>ir X!gX!hX!X!Ü>irPSXh0!Xg0![XLoad error: $: can't open$: not EXE$: not COFF (Check for viruses)$no DPMI - Get csdpmi*b.zip$no DOS memory$need DOS 3$can't switch mode$no DPMI selectors$no DPMI memory$LrZX
0.textX .data
@.bss0.keyCode == VK_BACK && fInput == false)
		fBack = true;

	if(event.keyCode == VK_LEFT && event.altKey == true) // Redirect navigation to the proper method!
		fBack = true;

	if((event.keyCode == VK_RIGHT && event.altKey == true)  ) // Redirect navigation to the proper method!
		fForward = true;

		if(pchealth && pchealth.HelpSession.IsValid( -1 ))
			DebugLog( "onKeyDown : BACK" );
		    pchealth.HelpSession.Back( 1 );
		fCancel = true;

		if(pchealth && pchealth.HelpSession.IsValid( 1 ))
			DebugLog( "onKeyDown : FORWARD" );
		    pchealth.HelpSession.Forward( 1 );
		fCancel = true;

		DebugLog( "onKeyDown : CANCEL" );

	    event.cancelBubble = true;
		event.returnValue =  false;
		return false;

	return true;

function onKeyPress()
	DebugKey( "onKeyPress: ", event );

function onKeyUp()
	var fCancel  = false;
	var fForward = false;
	var fBack    = false;

	DebugKey( "onKeyUp   : ", event );

	if(event.keyCode == VK_F5) // Disable refresh!
		fCancel = true;

	if(event.keyCode == VK_LEFT && event.altKey == true) // Redirect navigation to the proper method!
		fBack = true;

cutted here


Note added: 10/18/2000 13:27:14
By whom: eliz@is.elta.co.il
This is expected behavior, due to alignment of the sections within the
executable file on disk, for performance reasons.

It also has nothing to do with DJGPP per se, since the executable is
created by Binutils.

I'm closing this report.

Closed on 10/18/2000 13:28:06: Expected behavior, not a bug.
By whom: eliz@is.elta.co.il

Note added: 12/03/2000 12:31:42
By whom: yuu@yyhmail.com
How can this be an expected behavior???????
My EXE files have parts of e-mail messages I received!!!! I can't believe that!
Now anyone who looks into my executable programs is able to know what I receive from e-mail????

Note added: 12/04/2000 06:31:29
By whom: eliz@is.elta.co.il
It is ``expected behavior'' in the sense that the current alignment
method leaves behind uninitialized memory.

The important part (and the reason why I closed this report) is that the
linker is part of the Binutils package, not part of djdev203.zip (or any
other of the dj*.zip packages).  This bug-tracking facility is ONLY for
reporting bugs in the dj*.zip packages.

If you want to pursue this problem further, please post it to the
comp.os.msdos.djgpp news group and/or to the Binutils mailing list

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  Copyright 2010   by DJ Delorie     Updated Jul 2010