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Mail Archives: djgpp/1993/01/26/18:57:50

Date: Tue, 26 Jan 93 15:33:13 -0800
From: anton AT sting DOT Berkeley DOT EDU (Jeff Anton)
To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu
Subject: new libgr driver for Trident 8900C

Here is a new libgr driver for the Trident 8900C SVGA chipset.
This driver is noteworthy in that it allows split read and write page
mappings, which the other trident drivers for libgr don't use.
This split page mapping is new to the 8900C.  I have no idea
what will occur if it is run on any other chip.  I have put in
extensive comments about the implementation in the code in the hope
of dispelling the rumors that you can't read screen data from the
trident chips sanely.
					Jeff Anton
; This is file TRI8900C.ASM
; revised for the 8900c by jeff anton 12/29/92
; This is an experimental driver - it is ONLY for the Trident 8900C
; and makes use of very new features which have scant documentation.
; preliminary testing with intra-screen blitting and screen reading look good.
; Also added are the new text modes - untested
; Copyright (C) 1991 DJ Delorie, 24 Kirsten Ave, Rochester NH 03867-2954
; This file is distributed under the terms listed in the document
; "copying.dj", available from DJ Delorie at the address above.
; A copy of "copying.dj" should accompany this file; if not, a copy
; should be available from where this file was obtained.  This file
; may not be distributed without a verbatim copy of "copying.dj".
; This file is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied

cseg	segment	byte public 'code'
	assume	cs:cseg, ds:cseg, es:cseg, ss:nothing

	dw	offset init_routine
	dw	offset paging_routine
	dw	1	; set to 1 if separate read & write windows or
			; only 64K of video RAM (ie: no paging)

def_tw	dw	80	; filled in by go32 if GO32 env. var. is set
def_th	dw	25
def_gw	dw	640
def_gh	dw	480

; Entry: AX=mode selection
;		0=80x25 text
;		1=default text
;		2=text CX cols by DX rows
;		3=biggest text
;		4=320x200 graphics
;		5=default graphics
;		6=graphics CX width by DX height
;		7=biggest non-interlaced graphics
;		8=biggest graphics
; NOTE: This runs in real mode, but don't mess with the segment registers.
; Exit:  CX=width (in pixels or characters)
;        DX=height

init_table	label	word
	dw	offset init_0
	dw	offset init_1
	dw	offset init_2
	dw	offset init_3
	dw	offset init_4
	dw	offset init_5
	dw	offset init_6
	dw	offset init_7
	dw	offset init_8

init_routine	proc	far
	cmp	ax,8
	ja	retins
	add	ax,ax
	mov	bx,ax
	jmp	init_table[bx]

init_0: ; 80x25 text
	mov	si,offset bastxt
	jmp	init_2c

init_2_table	label	word
	dw	01h, 40, 25
bastxt:	dw	03h, 80, 25
	dw	50h, 80, 30
	dw	51h, 80, 43
	dw	52h, 80, 60
	dw	53h, 132, 25
	dw	54h, 132, 30
	dw	55h, 132, 43
bigtxt:	dw	56h, 132, 60
init_2_tend	label	word

init_1: ; default text
	mov	cx,def_tw
	mov	dx,def_th
; fall through

init_2: ; CX*DX text
	mov	si,offset init_2_table-6
	add	si,6
	cmp	[si+2],cx
	jb	init_2b
	cmp	[si+4],dx
	; got a big enough one!
	jnb	init_2c
	cmp	si,offset bigtxt
	jne	init_2a
	mov	ax,[si]
	push	si
	int	10h
	pop	si
	mov	cx,[si+2]
	mov	dx,[si+4]
retins:	ret

init_3: ; biggest text
	mov	si,offset bigtxt
	jmp	init_2c

init_4: ; 320x200 graphics
	mov	si,offset init_6_table
	jmp	init_6c

init_6_table	label	word
	dw	13h, 320, 200
	dw	5ch, 640, 400
	dw	5dh, 640, 480
nonint:	dw	5eh, 800, 600
biggr:	dw	62h, 1024, 768
init_6_tend	label	word

init_5: ; default graphics - should be 640x480 if supported
	mov	cx,def_gw
	mov	dx,def_gh
; fall through

init_6: ; CX*DX graphics
	mov	si,offset init_6_table -6
	add	si,6
	cmp	[si+2],cx
	jb	init_6b
	cmp	[si+4],dx
	; got a big enough one!
	jnb	init_6c
	cmp	si,offset biggr
	jne	init_6a
	mov	ax,[si]
	push	si
	int	10h
	pop	si
	mov	cx,[si+2]
	mov	dx,[si+4]

init_7: ; biggest non-interlaced graphics
	mov	si,offset nonint
	jmp	init_6c

init_8: ; biggest graphics
	mov	si,offset biggr
	jmp	init_6c

init_routine	endp

; Entry: AH=read page
;        AL=write page
; NOTE: This runs in protected mode!  Don't mess with the segment registers!
; This code must be relocatable and may not reference any data!
; Exit: VGA configured.
;       AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI may be trashed
; Code derived from VGAKIT version 3.4
;	Copyright 1988,89,90 John Bridges

	assume	ds:nothing, es:nothing

paging_routine	proc	far
	xor	ax,0202h	; flip bit 1 on each page no
	mov	cx,ax		; save pages into cx
	mov	dx,3c4h		; read 3c5.b hardware version
	mov	al,0bh		; to enable new mode and 64k pages (BPS)
	out	dx,al		; 3c4 index register to 0bh
	inc	dx		; switch to 3c5
	in	al,dx		; read 3c5.b
	mov	dl,0ceh		; switch to 3ce
	mov	al,6		; index to 6 misc reg
	out	dx,al		; ...
	inc	dx		; switch to 3cf
	in	al,dx		; read misc reg
	and	al,0f3h		; clear bits 3 and 2
	or	al,4		; set bit 2
	out	dx,al		; write back to misc reg
	mov	al,0fh		; index to 0fh (unnamed register)
	dec	dx		; back to 3ce
	out	dx,al		; select register that enables source page map
	mov	al,1		; write a 1 to enable source page address
	inc	dx		; up to 3cf
	out	dx,al		; output that 1 to 3cf.f
	dec	dx		; back to 3ce
	mov	al,0eh		; index to 0eh (source page address reg)
	out	dx,al		; ...
	inc	dx		; up to 3cf
	mov	al,ch		; get read page with bit 1 already flipped
	out	dx,al		; out page to 3cf.e (source page address reg)
	mov	dl,0c4h		; back to 3c4
	mov	al,0eh		; index to 0eh
	out	dx,al		; select 3c5.e
	inc	dx		; up to 3c5
	mov	al,cl		; get write page with bit 1 flipped
	out	dx,al		; out page to 3c5.e

paging_routine	endp


cseg	ends

- Raw text -

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