Checking patch sysdeps/x86_64/fpu/multiarch/svml_s_tanf16_core_avx512.S... error: while searching for: * */ /* Offsets for data table __svml_stan_data_internal */ #define _sInvPI_uisa 0 #define _sPI1_uisa 64 #define _sPI2_uisa 128 #define _sPI3_uisa 192 #define Th_tbl_uisa 256 #define _sPC3_uisa 384 #define _sPC5_uisa 448 #define _sRangeReductionVal_uisa 512 #define _sAbsMask 576 #define _sRangeVal 640 #define _sRShifter 704 #define _sOne 768 #define _sRangeReductionVal 832 #define _sPI1 896 #define _sPI2 960 #define _sPI3 1024 #include .section .text.evex512, "ax", @progbits ENTRY(_ZGVeN16v_tanf_skx) pushq %rbp cfi_def_cfa_offset(16) movq %rsp, %rbp cfi_def_cfa(6, 16) cfi_offset(6, -16) andq $-64, %rsp subq $192, %rsp xorl %edx, %edx /* Large values check */ vmovups _sRangeReductionVal_uisa+__svml_stan_data_internal(%rip), %zmm10 /* * * Main path * * start arg. reduction */ vmovups _sRShifter+__svml_stan_data_internal(%rip), %zmm1 vmovups _sPI1_uisa+__svml_stan_data_internal(%rip), %zmm4 vmovups _sPI2_uisa+__svml_stan_data_internal(%rip), %zmm2 vmovups _sPI3_uisa+__svml_stan_data_internal(%rip), %zmm3 vmovaps %zmm0, %zmm11 vandps _sAbsMask+__svml_stan_data_internal(%rip), %zmm11, %zmm0 vcmpps $22, {sae}, %zmm10, %zmm0, %k6 vmovups __svml_stan_data_internal(%rip), %zmm10 /* * * End of main path */ kortestw %k6, %k6 vfmadd213ps {rn-sae}, %zmm1, %zmm11, %zmm10 vsubps {rn-sae}, %zmm1, %zmm10, %zmm5 vfnmadd213ps {rn-sae}, %zmm11, %zmm5, %zmm4 vfnmadd231ps {rn-sae}, %zmm5, %zmm2, %zmm4 vfnmadd213ps {rn-sae}, %zmm4, %zmm3, %zmm5 /* Go to auxilary branch */ jne L(AUX_BRANCH) # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 edx zmm0 zmm5 zmm10 zmm11 k6 /* Return from auxilary branch * for out of main path inputs */ L(AUX_BRANCH_RETURN): /* Table lookup */ vmovups Th_tbl_uisa+__svml_stan_data_internal(%rip), %zmm3 vmovups _sPC3_uisa+__svml_stan_data_internal(%rip), %zmm0 vmulps {rn-sae}, %zmm5, %zmm5, %zmm1 vpermt2ps Th_tbl_uisa+64+__svml_stan_data_internal(%rip), %zmm10, %zmm3 vmovups _sPC5_uisa+__svml_stan_data_internal(%rip), %zmm10 vfmadd231ps {rn-sae}, %zmm1, %zmm10, %zmm0 vmulps {rn-sae}, %zmm5, %zmm0, %zmm4 vfmadd213ps {rn-sae}, %zmm5, %zmm1, %zmm4 /* * Computer Denominator: * sDenominator - sDlow ~= 1-(sTh+sTl)*(sP+sPlow) */ vmovups _sOne+__svml_stan_data_internal(%rip), %zmm5 vmulps {rn-sae}, %zmm4, %zmm3, %zmm7 /* * Compute Numerator: * sNumerator + sNlow ~= sTh+sTl+sP+sPlow */ vaddps {rn-sae}, %zmm3, %zmm4, %zmm8 vsubps {rn-sae}, %zmm7, %zmm5, %zmm9 vsubps {rn-sae}, %zmm3, %zmm8, %zmm2 /* * Now computes (sNumerator + sNlow)/(sDenominator - sDlow) * Choose NR iteration instead of hardware division */ vrcp14ps %zmm9, %zmm14 vsubps {rn-sae}, %zmm5, %zmm9, %zmm6 vsubps {rn-sae}, %zmm2, %zmm4, %zmm13 vmulps {rn-sae}, %zmm8, %zmm14, %zmm15 vaddps {rn-sae}, %zmm7, %zmm6, %zmm12 /* One NR iteration to refine sQuotient */ vfmsub213ps {rn-sae}, %zmm8, %zmm15, %zmm9 vfnmadd213ps {rn-sae}, %zmm9, %zmm15, %zmm12 vsubps {rn-sae}, %zmm13, %zmm12, %zmm0 vfnmadd213ps {rn-sae}, %zmm15, %zmm14, %zmm0 testl %edx, %edx /* Go to special inputs processing branch */ jne L(SPECIAL_VALUES_BRANCH) # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 edx zmm0 zmm11 /* Restore registers * and exit the function */ L(EXIT): movq %rbp, %rsp popq %rbp cfi_def_cfa(7, 8) cfi_restore(6) ret cfi_def_cfa(6, 16) cfi_offset(6, -16) /* Branch to process * special inputs */ L(SPECIAL_VALUES_BRANCH): vmovups %zmm11, 64(%rsp) vmovups %zmm0, 128(%rsp) # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 edx zmm0 xorl %eax, %eax # LOE rbx r12 r13 r14 r15 eax edx vzeroupper movq %r12, 16(%rsp) /* DW_CFA_expression: r12 (r12) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -64; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -176; DW_OP_plus) */ .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x38, 0x1c, 0x0d, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0x50, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22 movl %eax, %r12d movq %r13, 8(%rsp) /* DW_CFA_expression: r13 (r13) (DW_OP_lit8; DW_OP_minus; DW_OP_const4s: -64; DW_OP_and; DW_OP_const4s: -184; DW_OP_plus) */ .cfi_escape 0x10, 0x0d, 0x0e, error: patch failed: sysdeps/x86_64/fpu/multiarch/svml_s_tanf16_core_avx512.S:32 error: sysdeps/x86_64/fpu/multiarch/svml_s_tanf16_core_avx512.S: patch does not apply