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Mail Archives: djgpp-announce/2007/10/28/20:36:14

Message-Id: <200710290135.l9T1ZOi6012445@delorie.com>
X-Authenticated: #27081556
X-Provags-ID: V01U2FsdGVkX18hW6RB7VEh65sHjdvp7T9ATPSbxHRiFZdde1xRcN
From: Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan DOT guerrero AT gmx DOT de>
To: djgpp-announce AT delorie DOT com
Subject: ANNOUNCE: Release 3 of the DJGPP port of libjpeg 6b (with lossless compression/decompression and crop support added) uploaded.
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:29:23 +0100
X-Y-GMX-Trusted: 0

This is release 3 of the port of libjpeg 6b with lossless compression/decompression and lossless crop to MSDOS/DJGPP.

  DJGPP specific changes.

  This port of libjpeg 6b supplies, apart from all features known from the
  jpeg6b port, lossless compression/decompression and lossless crop, which
  discards data outside a given image region but losslessly preserves what
  is inside.
  The patches to implement these two functionalities have been downloaded
  for lossless compression/decompression and:
  for lossless crop and applied to the standard jpeg-6b sources available at:
  That are the same sorces that have been used to create the new release of the
  port jpeg6b[bs].zip.
  Apart from providing lossless compression/decompression and crop, the goal
  of this port is to use the standard configure scripts distributed with the
  package to configure and compile the sources and not relay anymore on the
  special makefile and config.h files for djgpp (usualy not well maintained)
  distributed with the package.
  There are only minor changes to the sources.  This concerns certain missing
  function declarations in a header file.  Apart from this, only the usual con-
  figuration files have been added, especialy sed scripts to fix the libtool
  files (ltmain and ltconfig).  They are located in the /djgpp subdir.
  The diffs documemts the changes required to implement lossles crop, and also
  the changes to the header and the Makefile.in and the file ljpeg6b.patch is
  the applied patch to implement lossless compression/decompression.

  To configure and compile the package and later to use it, you will have
  to install the zlib and the png port available at ftp.delorie.com and
  mirrors as:
  Of course, you can download a newer version of zlib and/or png if available.
  The zlib and png stored in /current have been compiled with djdev203 and are
  intented for use with Win98SE. Those ones from /beta are compiled with
  djdeb204 beta 1 for the use with WinXP-SP2.
  Please note that there is a second port of ljpeg6b called jpeg6b.  That one
  has identical functionality like this one except that it lacks lossless
  compression/decompression for JPEG.  You can ***NOT*** have installed both
  ports, jpeg6b and ljpeg6b, at the same time.  This is because all headers and
  libs have the same name, so they will overwrite each other.
  I have no intention to resolve this name conflict.

  Please **read** the docs.

  The port consists of two packages that have been compiled using djdev203 and
  that can be downloaded from ftp.delorie.com and mirrors as (timestamp 2007-10-26):

    libjpeg 6b scripts, headers, libs and man format documentation:

    libjpeg 6b source:

  For the convenience of the WinXP users the binaries has been produced
  a second time using the djdev204 beta library. This package is available
  at ftp.delorie.com and mirrors as (timestamp 2006-10-26):

    libjpeg 6b scripts, headers, libs and man format documentation:

  When downloading these ports, please pay attention to the timestamp to
  avoid downloading of old versions of these ports.  You can always check
  the release number by inspecting the .dsm file.

  Send libjpeg specific bug reports to <jpeg-info AT uunet DOT uu DOT net>.
  Send suggestions and bug reports concerning the DJGPP port to
  comp.os.msdos.djgpp or <djgpp AT delorie DOT com>.


  Guerrero, Juan Manuel <juan DOT guerrero AT gmx DOT de>

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