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Mail Archives: djgpp-announce/2007/03/03/20:48:36.1

Message-Id: <200703040146.l241kLiH031061@delorie.com>
X-Provags-ID: V01U2FsdGVkX19fijNuAH1fmk3EjAjKCL658zkXirz4H1DKfKjzkv
From: Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan DOT guerrero AT gmx DOT de>
To: djgpp-announce AT delorie DOT com
Subject: ANNOUNCE: DJGPP port of dcraw 8.53 uploaded
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2007 23:33:33 +0100
X-Y-GMX-Trusted: 0

This is a port of dcraw 8.53 to MSDOS/DJGPP.

  dcraw is a program that decodes any raw image from any digital camera on
  any computer running any operating system.  It is small (about 7000 lines),
  portable (standard C libraries only), free (both "gratis" and "libre"),
  and when used skillfully, produces better quality output than the tools
  provided by the camera vendor. 

  DJGPP specific changes.

  The DJGPP specific changes fixes a pair minor issues:
  -  inclusion of <io.h> for setmode declaration and the use of fgetc instead
     of getc_unlocked.
  -  modifications of the install shell script to make it more usable and
     comfortable on non posix OS.
  As for all binaries and libraries that handle images of any kind, it should
  be noticed that files (streams) are *always* openend in binary mode with all
  the well known implications on a DOS/WINDOWS OS if the stream is connected to
  STDIN and/or STDOUT when these are still connected to the console.
  As usual the changes to the original code have been documented in a diffs
  file stored in the /djgpp subdir.

  To compile from sources this binary you will have to install the jpeg or
  ljpeg and lcms libraries.

  Please *read* the docs to become familiar with product.

  The port consists of two packages that can be downloaded from
  ftp.delorie.com and mirrors as (timestamp 2007-03-02):

    dcraw 8.53 binary and man format documentation:

    dcraw 8.53 source:

  For the convenience of the WinXP users the binaries has been produced
  a second time using the djdev204 beta library. This package is available
  at ftp.delorie.com and mirrors as (timestamp 2007-03-02):

    dcraw 8.53 binary and man format documentation:

  Send dcraw specific bug reports to <dcoffin AT cybercom DOT net>.
  Send suggestions and bug reports concerning the DJGPP port to
  comp.os.msdos.djgpp or <djgpp AT delorie DOT com>.


        Guerrero, Juan Manuel <juan DOT guerrero AT gmx DOT de>

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