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Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/07/28/07:30:32

From: acottrell AT ozemail DOT com DOT au (Andrew Cottrell)
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: DJGPP -vs- Watcom?
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 10:16:58 GMT
Organization: OzEmail Ltd.
Lines: 93
Message-ID: <35bfa463.2838563@news.ozemail.com.au>
References: <35BD47B1 DOT CF9E1A94 AT sgi DOT com>
Reply-To: acottrell AT ozemail DOT com DOT au
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

Below is the beta announce of MGL 4.1 beta 1 release. Hope this helps.


Hi all,

I have uploaded a preliminary version of the MGL 4.1 release to our
site for brave souls wishing to help with finishing the changes. The 
release includes all the source code for all libraries as a big fat
file. I have also uploaded ZIP files with pre-compiled libraries for 
DJGPP 2.01, Watcom C++ 10.6 and Visual C++ 5.0 (TNT). The Win32
is not complete yet, so dont bother trying to compile it at this
When I get it compiling I will upload another alpha for people to play


Changes for MGL 4.1 alpha 1:

 . Added multiple display controller support
 . Added support for Phar Lap TNT 8.x (BC++,WC++,VC++).
 . Added debug/release library directory structure
 . Updated DJGPP 2.01 compiler to GCC 2.8.1
 . Updates makefiles to support Unix lib conventions for DJGPP
 . Update Mesa to 3.0 beta 6 release files

Stuff still remaining to be completed:

 . Update multi-controller support for Win32
 . Update Delphi import modules for new MGL 4.1 changes
 . Fix remaining DJGPP 2.01 compiler related bugs (RLE sprites and
   GUI libraries).
 . Add TrueType font support if we get time.

Where to get it from (please note that I am trying to upload the files
I write this email, but the net is incredibly slow today so dont try
get the files until tomorrow):


NOTE: Multiple display controller support requires an external library
implement the multi-display functions. This library is not 100%
yet, but does allow you to run this under real DOS (it does not
run in a DOS box, and I hope to get this fixed soon). If you are 
interested in testing this, please send me some private email, let me 
know what compiler you are using and I can provide you with an early 
release of this library.


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On Mon, 27 Jul 1998 23:38:25 -0400, Critofur <cmiller AT sgi DOT com> wrote:

>  I was hoping to use DJGPP & MGL to do some game development - once the
>game was done I was planing on porting it to Win98/NT for greater
>marketability/user base (I would perhaps still release a DOS/DJGPP
>verision).  The reason I wanted to use MGL is because it is supposedly
>availabel for both DOS and Win platforms.  I have had no luck get the
>latest version (4.05) to work with DJGPP however, so I decided to
>purchase the latest version of Watcom C (I don't like Microsoft
>compilers).  I've since read on the SciTech MGL newserver that MGL is
>not fulling working with DJ and the GUI library that goes along with it
>(Mvis) is currently entirely incompatible.   I'm just looking for
>comments/opinions/suggestions regarding advantadges of various
>compilers/libraries including DJ, Watcom, Allegro, MGL etc... aside from
>the obvious one: cost.  Thanks much for your comments,
>        Christopher
>-- cmiller AT sgi DOT com
>-- Systems Support Engineer, Silicon Graphics Inc.

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