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Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/05/30/13:53:36

Message-ID: <357046EA.4CC@virgin.net>
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 18:50:34 +0100
From: Mike Haben <mike DOT haben AT virgin DOT net>
Reply-To: mike DOT haben AT virgin DOT net
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: gcc 2.81 hangs under Win95

Dear Delorie,
I'm seeing a similar thing to Noam Arbel (see below) - running gcc in a
Win95 DOS box, it appears
to do nothing at all (flashing cursor sitting on the next line, no
output of any sort even with -v
option).  If I feed it a Ctrl-C, it exits with "Encountered signal
SIGINT".  I've double-checked
the list of installed components, and I've re-downloaded and unzipped
gcc281b.zip, without success.
Now downloaded and unzipped gcc272b.zip over the previous files, works
without any problem!

Best regards,
	Mike Haben

Noam Arbel <noam AT lamar DOT colostate DOT edu> wrote:
I am running in a dos window under win95. I have also tried running
rhide but I got the same results.

The output og go32-v2 is:

DPMI memory available: 22571 Kb
DPMI swap space available: 7197 Kb

The complete command line was :

C:\djgpp\work>gcc -o hello -v hello.c

which is a one liner (printf("Hello World"); - ofcourse)

and gcc hangs. I get the same result if I just call gcc with no
arguments at

Thanks for all your help,

Noam Arbel

Eli Zaretskii wrote:

> On Mon, 25 May 1998, Noam Arbel wrote:
> > I need some help. I am new to the world of gcc. I have downloaded the
> > software and when I try to run gcc it hangs.
> How *exactly* did you run it?  Please post the complete command line.
> > I left it running for 10 minutes on a 266 pentium II with a
> > ~100 line bison parser program (the multi function calc example) and I
> > get nothing.
> Can you compile a simple hello world program?

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