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Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/02/05/14:18:05

Message-Id: <m0vs739-000S1iC@natacha.inti.edu.ar>
Comments: Authenticated sender is <salvador AT natacha DOT inti DOT edu DOT ar>
From: "Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET)" <salvador AT natacha DOT inti DOT edu DOT ar>
Organization: INTI
To: "Mr. Fuju" <kapieckiel AT harding DOT edu>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 16:17:30 +0000
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Re: Portability issues....
CC: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

Hi Mr. Fuju:

> Hi guys and gals!  
Is gals the female version of guys?

>I am currently getting the djgpp package on my computer
> so that I can use it, but I want to know a little about what I'm getting
> myself into here...  How different is programming with djgpp from
> programming in C++ using Turbo C++ for DOS 
If you use plain C++ no differenece, if you access to absolute memory positions 
or use in-line assembler or some thing similar you'll must read the DJGPP FAQ 
to find the differences, Eli collected a lot of good information in this text.

>or g++ for Unix?  
Even less difference than with Turbo C++ because the command line options and 
the names of the tools are the Unix ones (DJGPP is a port to DOS of a Unix 
compiler and tools).

>Exactly what
> is DPMI 
DOS Protected Mode Interface, is an specification about how one or more 
protected mode applications can live in DOS without harm.

>and where do I find information on using it?  
You can find the DPMI specification in the www.delorie.com server, but I guess 
that you want the explanations that you'll find in the FAQ.

>Will my other C++
> programs that I've written compile under djgpp?
Depends on what your program does, if you use plain C/C++ of course, if not 
you'll need to make some changes.

>  If these questions are
> addressed in the FAQ that I've not read yet, just tell me so and I won't
> bug you anymore before I read it...
Read it!, but not all because you'll finish very late ;-), all your questions 
are well answered in the FAQ.
> Oh, and what about support?
I never saw better support, I guess is the best.

>  Obviously this mailing list is available
> (thankfully), 
Is more that you think.

> but are there any other sources of information for
> difficulties with programming with djgpp?
If you have any problem first search in the FAQ if isn't there just ask to the 

>  Also, I'm running Windows NT
> Workstation 4.0 on a Pentium 133 with 32 megs of ram.  Does anyone foresee
> any problems I may encounter?
Hmmm... the FAQ talks about NT, I don't know much because I don't use it. I 
know that some users use NT.

--------------- 0 --------------------------------
Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET).
Address: Curapaligue 2124, Caseros, 3 de Febrero
Buenos Aires, (1678), ARGENTINA
TE: +(541) 759 0013

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