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Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/01/08/03:15:33

From: "John M. Aldrich" <fighteer AT cs DOT com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: DJGPP compiles wrong .EXE filename
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 20:22:48 -0800
Organization: Two pounds of chaos and a pinch of salt
Lines: 51
Message-ID: <32D32118.76E0@cs.com>
References: <5auogm$7hn AT news DOT interlog DOT com>
Reply-To: fighteer AT cs DOT com
NNTP-Posting-Host: ppp108.cs.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

Gautam N. Lad wrote:
> When I compile my C++ program and link it to the graphics library,
> instead of the executable file having the same name as the source
> file, it's A.EXE and so is the .OUT file (A.OUT).
> I am compiling like this in C:
> gcc prog.c
> I am compiling like this in C++
> gxx tb.cpp window.cpp /djgpp/contrib/grx20/lib/LIBGRX20.A

Did you actually read the DJGPP documentation or just start compiling
"out of the box"?  Try reading 'readme.1st', which gives several
examples of command lines, and the documentation for gcc, which explains

To specify the name of the output file from gcc, use the '-o' parameter
like so:

  gcc -o prog.exe prog.c

This will output 'prog.exe'.

As for your C++ example, you aren't linking the library right.  All you
need to do is use the '-l' parameter to specify the library.  So that
example would be:

  gxx -o tb.exe tb.cpp window.cpp -lgrx20

This will link your program using [lib]grx20[.a], and output 'tb.exe'.

There are some other parameters that you should use most of the time:
   -Wall	Reports lots of warnings that aren't on by default.
   -O		Optimize
   -g		Include debugging information in the executable.

This would make the above command lines into:

  gcc -Wall -O -g -o prog.exe prog.c
  gcc -Wall -O -g -o tb.exe tb.cpp window.cpp -lgrx20

You can use gcc parameters for lots more things as well; read the

| John M. Aldrich, aka Fighteer I  |        fighteer AT cs DOT com         |
| Plan:  To find ANYONE willing to |   http://www.cs.com/fighteer   |
| play Descent 2 on DWANGO!        | Tagline: <this space for rent> |

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