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Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/07/27/05:30:28

Date: Wed, 27 Jul 94 15:45:10 JST
From: Stephen Turnbull <turnbull AT shako DOT sk DOT tsukuba DOT ac DOT jp>
To: OKRA AT max DOT tiac DOT net
Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu
Subject: do-nothings: more info

      Somebody mailed me a transcript of the files and command lines
    that gcc uses to build a program so that I could just do it all
    manually - call the preprocessor, compiler, assembler and linker
    all in a batch file.  But even that didn't work.  CC1.EXE didn't
    produce any output file apparently - the assembler and linker both
    complained they couldn't find it. :( :( :(

Sorry, I don't have such a thing.
    But if you got past CPP, you're making progress.  :-/
    I seem to recall that a lot of the GNU programs use redirection to
create their files, eg CPP does for sure.
    A common problem that people have is using set "GO32=2r1" so they
can capture their logs from make or GCC.  But then CPP pipes its
stderr output to the file causing CC1 to produce syntax errors.  (This
has nothing, as far as I can see, to do with your current problem
except that it suggests the following question:)
    (1) are you doing any such redirecting in your "by hand" compile"
(I forget, there may be an alternative output interface so this may
not be strictly necessary.)
    (2) I don't recall a redirection symbol in the GCC log you sent.
I don't *know* that there should be one for CPP's command line, but
you could check that.
    (3) I think you had plenty of FILES= in CONFIG.SYS.  However, I
saw a note on comp.os.msdos.4dos that indicated that some programs,
especially batch files, leave piles of open file handles lying around
behind them because they do a lot of COMMAND > NUL, then (somehow)
forget to close the NUL file handle.  This doesn't look at all like
what happened to you, but....
    (4) How much free RAM do you have?  GO32 needs 180KB+ to load,
then can swap about 50KB of the data out when creating a child
process.  If you have just about 180KB available when GO32 gets
invoked, then you get really flakey behavior.  Again, this doesn't
look like your symptoms, but I'm running out of ideas.
    (5) Have you tried stripping your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT down
to absolute minimum?  Re: redirection I wonder if your keyboard buffer
might be doing something weird.

    Keep on trying....


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