/* Copyright (c) 1995 DJ Delorie, 334 North Road, Deerfield NH USA Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or later. Note: The HTML output of this program is NOT considered a derived work of this program. */ /* Original work by dj@delorie.com Usage: man2html < program.man > program.html */ #include #include int in_tt = 0; int next_line_dd = 0; int need_undl = 0; int got_regular_line = 0; int need_re = 0; int fill_mode = 1; int current_BI = 0; int skip_nl = 0; char * get_token(char *inp, char *buf) { char *obuf = buf; int quoted = 0; /* skip whitespace */ while (*inp && isspace(*inp)) inp++; if (*inp == 0) return 0; while (*inp) { switch (*inp) { case '"': quoted = 1-quoted; break; case '\\': *buf++ = *inp; *buf++ = *++inp; break; default: if (isspace(*inp) && !quoted) { *buf = 0; return inp; } *buf++ = *inp; break; } inp++; } *buf = 0; return inp; } void clean(char *cp) { char foo[1000]; char *rp = foo; char *ocp = cp; if (strncmp(cp, ".if t ", 6) == 0) cp += 6; while (*cp) { switch (*cp) { case '\\': cp++; switch (*cp) { case 'E': case 'F': case 'g': case 'b': case 'r': case 'B': *rp++ = '\\'; *rp++ = *cp++; break; case '/': case '-': case '\\': case '+': case '.': case 10: case 0: case ' ': case '=': case '\'': case '`': case '[': case ']': case ':': case '}': case '{': *rp++ = *cp++; break; case '|': case '^': case '"': case 'd': case 'u': case 'n': case '&': case 'w': case '%': case 'v': case 'k': cp++; break; case 't': *rp++ = ' '; cp++; break; case '0': *rp++ = ' '; cp++; break; case 'c': if (cp[1] == '\n') { skip_nl = 1; cp++; } cp++; break; case 'e': *rp++ = '\\'; cp++; break; case 's': cp++; cp++; while (isdigit(*cp)) cp++; break; case 'f': if (current_BI) { *rp++ = '<'; *rp++ = '/'; *rp++ = current_BI; *rp++ = '>'; current_BI = 0; } if (in_tt) { strcpy(rp, ""); rp += 5; in_tt = 0; } switch (*++cp) { case '(': if (cp[1] == 'C' && cp[2] == 'W') { strcpy(rp, ""); rp += 4; in_tt = 1; cp += 2; } else fprintf(stderr, "unknown font %.3s\n", cp); break; case 'B': current_BI = 'b'; *rp++ = '<'; *rp++ = 'b'; *rp++ = '>'; break; case 'R': case 'P': break; case 'I': current_BI = 'i'; *rp++ = '<'; *rp++ = 'i'; *rp++ = '>'; break; } cp++; break; case '*': cp++; if (cp[0] == '(') { cp++; if (cp[0] == 'l' && cp[1] == 'q') *rp++ = '`'; else if (cp[0] == 'r' && cp[1] == 'q') *rp++ = '\''; else { sprintf(rp, "[%.2s]", cp); rp += 4; } cp += 2; } else if (cp[0] == 'r') { cp++; strcpy(rp, "RCS"); rp += 3; } else { sprintf(rp, "[%c]", *cp); rp += 3; } break; case '(': if (cp[1] == 'c' && cp[2] == 'o') *rp++ = 0xa9; else if (cp[1] == 'b' && cp[2] == 'v') *rp++ = '|'; else if (cp[1] == 'e' && cp[2] == 'm') *rp++ = ' '; else if (cp[1] == '+' && cp[2] == '-') *rp++ = 0xb1; else if (cp[1] == 't' && cp[2] == 'i') *rp++ = '~'; else if (cp[1] == 't' && cp[2] == 's') *rp++ = '"'; else if (cp[1] == 'p' && cp[2] == 'l') *rp++ = '+'; else if (cp[1] == 'm' && cp[2] == 'i') *rp++ = '-'; else if (cp[1] == 'f' && cp[2] == 'm') *rp++ = '\''; else if (cp[1] == 'm' && cp[2] == 'u') *rp++ = 'x'; else if (cp[1] == 'b' && cp[2] == 'u') { strcpy(rp, "
  • "); rp += 4; } else if (cp[1] == '>' && cp[2] == '=') { *rp++ = '>'; *rp++ = '='; } else if (cp[1] == '*' && cp[2] == '*') { *rp++ = '*'; *rp++ = '*'; } else fprintf(stderr, "unknown meta-character (%c%c\n", cp[1], cp[2]); cp += 3; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unknown escape \\%c (%d)\n", *cp, *cp); break; } break; case '&': *rp++ = '&'; *rp++ = 'a'; *rp++ = 'm'; *rp++ = 'p'; *rp++ = ';'; cp++; break; case '<': *rp++ = '&'; *rp++ = 'l'; *rp++ = 't'; *rp++ = ';'; cp++; break; case '>': *rp++ = '&'; *rp++ = 'g'; *rp++ = 't'; *rp++ = ';'; cp++; break; default: *rp++ = *cp++; break; } } *rp = 0; strcpy(ocp, foo); } un_bi() { if (current_BI) { printf("", current_BI); current_BI = 0; } } int process_line_til_regular() { got_regular_line = 0; while (!got_regular_line) process_line(); } void bol() { got_regular_line = 1; if (next_line_dd) printf("
    "); next_line_dd = 0; } void eol() { if (!fill_mode) printf("
    "); } void twoggle(char *a, char *b, char *l) { int first = 1; char *c; char buf[1000]; bol(); while ((l = get_token(l, buf))) { clean(buf); c = first ? a : b; if (c) printf("<%s>%s", c, buf, c); else printf("%s", buf); if (a && b && strcmp(a, b) == 0) putchar(' '); first = 1-first; } un_bi(); if (!skip_nl) printf("\n"); eol(); got_regular_line = 1; } int process_line() { char buf[1000], cmd[10], b1[1000]; char token[1000]; if (fgets(buf, 1000, stdin) == 0) return 0; skip_nl = 0; if (buf[0] != '.') { if (strncmp(buf, "'\\\"", 3) == 0) return 1; clean(buf); bol(); fputs(buf, stdout); if (buf[0] == 0 || buf[0] == '\n') printf("

    "); eol(); return 1; } if (sscanf(buf, "%s %[^\n]", cmd, buf) == 1) buf[0] = 0; if (strcmp(cmd, "..") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".B") == 0) { if (buf[0]) { twoggle("b", "b", buf); } else { printf(""); process_line_til_regular(); printf(""); } } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".I") == 0) { if (buf[0]) { twoggle("i", "i", buf); } else { printf(""); process_line_til_regular(); printf(""); } } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".BI") == 0) { twoggle("b", "i", buf); } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".IB") == 0) { twoggle("i", "b", buf); } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".BR") == 0) { twoggle("b", 0, buf); } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".RB") == 0) { twoggle(0, "b", buf); } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".IR") == 0) { twoggle("i", 0, buf); } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".RI") == 0) { twoggle(0, "i", buf); } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".nf") == 0) { if (fill_mode) printf("

        fill_mode = 0;
      else if (strcmp(cmd, ".fi") == 0)
        if (!fill_mode)
    \n"); fill_mode = 1; } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".br") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, ".Sp") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, ".ti") == 0) { if (need_undl) { need_undl = 0; printf(""); } printf("
    \n"); } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".LP") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, ".PP") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, ".sp") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, ".P") == 0) { if (need_undl) { need_undl = 0; printf(""); } printf("\n

    \n"); } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".RS") == 0) { printf("

      "); need_re ++; } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".RE") == 0) { if (need_re) { printf("
    "); need_re --; } } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".SH") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, ".SS") == 0) { char *cp = buf; int got_token = 0; while (need_re) { printf(""); need_re--; } if (need_undl) { printf(""); need_undl = 0; } printf("\n

    "); while (cp = get_token(cp, token)) { got_token = 1; clean(token); printf("%s ", token); } if (!got_token) { if (fgets(buf, 1000, stdin) == 0) return 0; printf("%s", buf); } printf("

      \n\n"); un_bi(); got_regular_line = 1; if (!fill_mode) printf(""); fill_mode = 1; } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".SM") == 0) { if (buf[0]) { bol(); clean(buf); printf("%s\n", buf); eol(); } else { printf(""); process_line_til_regular(); printf(""); } } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".TH") == 0) { int all_upper = 1, i; get_token(buf, buf); for (i=0; buf[i]; i++) if (islower(buf[i])) all_upper = 0; if (all_upper) for (i=0; buf[i]; i++) if (isupper(buf[i])) buf[i] = tolower(buf[i]); printf("\n", buf); printf("
        "); } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".TP") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, ".Tp") == 0) { if (!need_undl) { printf("

        "); need_undl = 1; } printf("
        "); next_line_dd = 0; process_line_til_regular(); next_line_dd = 1; } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".IP") == 0) { if (!need_undl) { printf("

        "); need_undl = 1; } get_token(buf, buf); clean(buf); printf("
        %s", buf); next_line_dd = 1; } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".TQ") == 0) { printf("
        "); next_line_dd = 0; process_line_til_regular(); next_line_dd = 1; } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".FN") == 0) { bol(); get_token(buf, buf); printf("%s\n", buf); got_regular_line = 1; eol(); } /* Tcl macros */ else if (strcmp(cmd, ".AP") == 0) { char *cp = buf; cp = get_token(cp, token); printf("

        %s", token); cp = get_token(cp, token); printf(" %s", token); cp = get_token(cp, token); printf(" (%s) -\n", token); } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".DS") == 0) { printf("

          else if (strcmp(cmd, ".DE") == 0)
        \n"); } /* end of Tcl macros */ else if (strcmp(cmd, ".\"") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(cmd, ".de") == 0) { do { if (fgets(buf, 1000, stdin) == 0) return 0; } while (buf[0] != '.' || buf[1] != '.'); } return 1; } main() { char line[1000]; while (process_line()); printf("
      \n\n"); return 0; }