Values for DWCFGMG.SYS (VxD ID 0034h) service number:
 00h	"CM_GetVersion" get supported DDI version
	Return: EAX = 00000000h if not installed
		    AH = major version number
		    AL = minor version number
		    EBX = number of devices controlled by DWCFGMG.SYS
 01h	"CM_GetConfig" get device configuration
	EBX = device index
	EDI -> buffer for configuration information (see #02675)
	Return: EAX = status (0000h successful, 0001h index out of range)
 02h	"CM_LockConfig" lock device configuration
	EDI -> configuration information (see #02675)
	Return: EAX = status
		    0000h successful
		    0001h resource conflict
		    0002h invalid request
 03h	"CM_UnlockConfig" unlock device configuration
	EDI -> configuration information (see #02675)
	Return: EAX = status (0000h successful, 0001h invalid request)
 04h	"CME_QueryResources"
 05h	"CME_AllocResources"
 06h	"CME_DeallocResources"
SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h/BX=0034h