Call GENERAL.VLM (VLM ID 0043h) with:
Func	Description/Registers
 01h	Gen Get Version
	BX = function
	    0000h get version
		Return: AX = status (see #02860)
			BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h)
			CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h)
 03h	Gen Statistics
	CX = length of statistics buffer
	ES:DI -> buffer for statistics (see #02889)
	Return: AX = status (see #02860)
 04h	Gen Get/Set Primary
	BX = subfunction
	    0001h get primary connection
		CX = primary connection handle to be retrieved
		Return: AX = status (see #02860)
			CX = primary connection handle
	    0002h set primary connection
		CX = primary connection handle to be stored
		Return: AX = status (see #02860)
 06h	Gen Specific
	BX = subfunction
	    0000h get command processor and master environment addresses
		Return: DX = segment of master environment
			ES:DI -> command processor's private COMSPEC= copy
	    0001h get default or primary connection
		Return: AX = status (0000h successful)
			CX = connection handle if successful
	    0002h last queue information
		AL = operation
		    00h zap
		    01h set
		    02h get
		DI:DX = queue file handle
		CX = connection handle
		Return: AX = status (0000h successful)
			DI:DX = queue file handle
			CX = connection handle or 0000h if queue info invalid
	    0003h get/set machine name(s)
		AX = name type
		    00h get short machine name
		    02h get long machine name
		    04h set short machine name
		    06h set long machine name
		    08h get DOS name
		    0Ah set DOS name
		ES:SI -> ASCIZ name if setting
		Return: AX = status (0000h if successful)
			ES:SI -> ASCIZ name if getting
	    0004h set per-task EXEC search mode
		Return: AX = status (0000h if successful)
 09h	Gen Return Drive Info
	BX = subfunction
	    0000h get first available drive
		Return: AX = status (see #02860)
			BX = drive letter of first drive
	    0001h get Lastdrive
		Return: AX = status (see #02860)
			CH = number lastdrive 1=A: - 1Ah=Z: