Format of PRINT.VLM extended print control information:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	DWORD	NDS printer object ID or directory entry number (when capturing
		  to a file)
 04h	BYTE	connection handle for server
 06h 48 BYTEs	ASCIZ print queue name on server
 36h	DWORD	ID of target server, or FFFFFFFFh if any server may be used
 3Ah  6 BYTEs	target print time, FFFFFFFFFFFFh for immediate printing
 40h	BYTE	status flags
 41h	BYTE	???
 42h 13 BYTEs	client's banner name (overrides global banner if set)
 4Fh 13 BYTEs	job description
 5Ch  4 BYTEs	reserved (0)
SeeAlso: #02884,#02886