Format of NetWare FIO statistics:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	WORD	length of statistics record (including this word)
 02h	WORD	number of read requests
 04h	WORD	number of write requests
 06h	WORD	number of cache read hits
 08h	WORD	number of cache write hits
 0Ah	WORD	number of cacheable files with free blocks
 0Ch	WORD	number of cacheable files without free blocks
 0Eh	WORD	number of standard read requests
 10h	WORD	number of standard write requests
 12h	WORD	number of burst read requests
 14h	WORD	number of burst write requests
 16h	BYTE	flag: cache writes enabled
 17h	BYTE	flag: true commits enabled
 18h	WORD	number of cache blocks
 1Ah	WORD	size of a cache buffer
 1Ch	WORD	number of ECBs for packet bursts (0000h if bursts disabled)
SeeAlso: #02882