Call 386MAX API (via OUT DX,AL) with:
	STACK: WORD value for DX
	AH = 00h unused
		Return: AH = 84h (unsupported function)
	AH = 01h get high memory information
		ES:DI -> buffer for array of high memory info records
			(see #01478)
		Return: CX = number of records placed in buffer
	AH = 02h get shadowed ROM info
		ES:DI -> buffer for array of ROM shadowing records (see #01479)
		Return: CX = number of records placed in buffer
	AH = 03h get 386MAX state
		ES:DI -> 90-byte buffer for state (see #01467)
		Return: AH = 00h (successful)
			buffer filled
	AH = 04h get memory types???
		ES:DI -> buffer for memory type info (array of bytes, one per
			16K page) (see #01480)
		Return:	CX = number of bytes placed in buffer
	AH = 05h get page table entries
		AL = A20 control (00h enable A20 first, 01h leave unchanged)
		CX = buffer size in bytes (0000h = enough for all memory from
			given start to end of memory managed by 386MAX)
		SI = first K to report (rounded down to 4K page)
		ES:DI -> buffer for returned page table entries
		Return: CX = number of bytes returned (four per 4K page)
			ES:DI buffer filled
	AH = 06h get memory speed info
		ES:DI -> buffer for memory speed records (see #01482)
		Return: AH = 00h (successful)
			CX = number of bytes placed in buffer
		Note:	this function can take over a second to execute
	AH = 07h map/unmap multiple handle pages
		DX = EMS handle (on stack)
		STACK: DWORD -> EMS mapping record
		Return:	AH = status (00h,80h,83h,8Ah,8Bh)
		Format of EMS mapping record:
		Offset	Size	Description
		 00h	WORD	function
				0000h use physical page numbers
				0001h use segment addresses
		 02h	WORD	EMS handle
		 04h	WORD	number of mapping entries following
		 06h 2N WORDs	logical page number and physical page/segment
				logical page FFFFh means unmap physical page
		SeeAlso: INT 67/AH=50h
	AH = 08h "EMM2_GOREAL" check whether possible to disable 386MAX
		AL = ??? (00h or nonzero)
		Return: AH = status (00h OK, A4h not possible at this time)
		Note:	if AL=00h, this function always returns success
	AH = 09h toggle Bit Flags 1 flags
		BX = bitmask of bit flags 1's flags to toggle (see #01468)
		Return: AH = 00h (successful)
		Note:	enables A20 first
	AH = 0Ah toggle Debugging Flags 1 flags
		BX = bitmask of Debugging Flags 1's bits to toggle (see #01470)
		Return: AH = 00h (successful)
		Notes:	enables A20 first
			does ??? if bit 3 on after specified bits are toggled
	AH = 0Bh toggle Debugging Flags 2 flags
		BX = bitmask of Debugging Flags 2's bits to toggle (see #01471)
		Return: AH = 00h (successful)
		Note:	enables A20 first
	AH = 0Ch toggle feature flags 3
		BX = bitmask of feature flags 3's bits to toggle (see #01475)
		Return: AH = 00h (successful)
		Note:	enables A20 first
	AH = 0Dh specify 386MAX high-memory location
		BX = segment address of high-memory real-mode portion of 386MAX
		CX = current segment of real-mode stub???
		Return: AH = status (00h successful)
	AH = 0Eh CRT controller register virtualization
		AL = subfunction
		    00h allow access to CRTC I/O ports 03B4h/03B5h, 03D4h/03D5h
		    01h trap accesses to CRTC I/O ports
	AH = 0Fh reboot system
		Return: never
	AH = 10h unused
		Return: AH = 84h (unsupported function)
	AH = 11h get high memory information
		ES:DI -> 96-byte buffer for high memory info
		Return: AH = 00h (successful)
			ES:DI buffer filled
		Notes:	each byte in buffer contains bit flags for a 4K page in
			  the A000h-FFFFh region
				bit 0: page is writeable
				bit 1: physical address same as linear address
				bit 2: EMS page frame
				bit 6: page is part of the QPMS window
			this function can take over a second to execute,
			  because it does a 128K read for each page in an
			  attempt to flush any RAM cache the system may have
	AH = 12h shadow RAM mapping
		AL = subfunction
		    00h unshadow ROMs (except page FFh if NOWARMBOOT set)
		    01h map shadow RAM into ROM regions???
		Return: AH = 00h (successful) if AL=00h or 01h
			AH = 8Fh otherwise
	AH = 13h shadow RAM page protection
		AL = subfunction
		    00h set all shadowed ROM 4K pages to read-only
		    01h set all shadowed ROM 4K pages to read-write
		Return: AH = 00h (successful) if AL=00h or 01h
			AH = 8Fh otherwise
	AH = 14h get Programmable Option Select info???
		ES:DI -> 54-byte buffer for POS data???
		Return: AH = 00h if successful
			AH = A4h on error
		Note:	the buffer consists of nine 6-byte fields; the first
			  eight for slots 1-8, the last for the system board
	AH = 15h ???
		Return: ???
	AH = 16h get 386MAX memory usage screen
		ES:DI -> buffer for memory info display
		CX = size of buffer in bytes
		Return:	ES:DI buffer filled with '$'-terminated string (if
				large enough to hold entire usage screen)
		Note:	the screen is 0303h bytes in v7.00
	AH = 17h Windows 3 startup/termination
		AL = subfunction
		    00h Windows3 initializing
			DX (on stack) = Windows startup flags
			DI = Windows version number (major in upper byte)
			ES:BX = 0000h:0000h
			DS:SI = 0000h:0000h
			Return: CX = 0000h if OK for Windows to load
				   <> 0 if Windows should not load
				ES:BX -> startup info structure
				DS:SI -> Virtual86 mode enable/disable callback
		    01h Windows3 terminating
			ES:BX -> ???
			DX (on stack) = Windows exit flags
			Return: ???
	AH = 18h QPMS (Qualitas Protected Memory Services)
		AL = subfunction
		    00h get QPMS configuration
			Return: BX = starting segment of QPMS memory window
				CX = number of 4K pages reserved for QPMS???
				DX = number of 4K pages in QPMS window???
		    01h map QPMS memory page???
			BX = 4K page number within memory reserved for QPMS???
			CL = 4K page number within QPMS memory window???
		    02h mark all QPMS memory read-only
		    03h mark all QPMS memory read-write
		Return: AH = status (00h,8Ah,8Bh,8Fh)
	AH = 19h get linear address for physical address
		EDX = physical address (low word on stack)
		Return: AH = status
			    00h successful
				EDX = linear address at which physical address
					may be accessed
			    8Bh physical address currently not addressable
		Note:	enables A20 first
	AH = 1Ah set page table entry
		EDX = new page table entry (low word on stack)
		ESI = linear address of page to map (bits 0-11 clear)
		Return: AH = status (00h,8Bh)
		Note:	enables A20 first
	AH = 1Bh get ???
		Return: AH = status
			BX = ???
			CX = number of ???
			EDX = physical address of ???
	AH = 1Ch get original interrupt vector
		AL = interrupt vector (00h-7Fh)
		Return: AH = 00h (successful)
			EDX = original vector before 386MAX loaded (segment in
				high word, offset in low word)
		Note:	no range checking is performed; requests for INTs 80h-
			  FFh will return random values
	AH = 1Dh display string???
		SI = ???
		Return: AH = 00h (successful)
		Note:	this function appears to be broken in v7.00
	AH = 1Eh get memory info
		ES:DI -> memory info (see #01483)
		Return: ???
	AH = 1Fh get DPMI host information
		Return: AX = 0000h if successful
			BX = DPMI flags (see #03152 at INT 31/AX=0400h)
			CL = CPU type (02h = 80286, 03h = 80386, etc.)
			DX = DPMI ver supported (DH=major, DL=2-digit minor)
			SI = ???
			ES???:DI -> ???
		Note:	NOP if NODPMI switch specified
	AH = 20h (v7.00) get ???
	    AL = index of ???
	    Return: EDX = ??? for specified ???
	AH = 21h (v7.00) STACKS support
	    AL = 00h get STACKS parameters
		Return: BX = ??? (0060h for v7.00)
			CX = number of stacks for hardware interrupts
			DX = size of each stack in bytes
			SI = ??? (low and high bytes are separate values)
			DI = ??? (low and high bytes are separate values)
			    low byte = logical page number set by subfn 02h
			ES = ???
	    AL = 01h set ??? "EMM2_DSTKS"
		EBX = ???
		ECX = ???
	    AL = 02h set ???
		BL = logical page number for ??? (00h-03h)
		Return: AH = status (00h,8Ah)
	AH = 22h (v7.00) call ??? for every load module
	    AL = which function to call
		00h call ???
		else call ????
	    Return: AH = 00h
	    Note: if AL=00h, calls the protected-mode function pointed at by
		the DWORD at offset 22h from the start of each module installed
		by a LOAD= directive; if AL<>00h, it calls the function
		pointed at by the DWORD at offset 28h of the load module
	AH = 23h (v7.00) ???
	    AL = 00h set ???
		BL = ???
		Return:	AH = 00h or unchanged (depending on ???)
	    AL = 01h set ???
		BL = ???
		BH = ???
		CX = ???
		DX = ??? (on top of stack)
		Return: AH = status (00h if successful, 8Fh once table full)
		Note:	this call adds one entry to an internal table on each
			  call, until the table is full
	    AL = 02h get ???
		CX = size of buffer
		ES:DI -> buffer for ??? (60 bytes total data)
		Return: CX = number of bytes actually returned
		Note:	returns the array storing the values set with AX=2301h
		Format of one entry in array:
		Offset	Size	Description
		 00h	BYTE	??? (BL from subfn 01h)
		 01h	WORD	??? (CX from subfn 01h)
		 03h	BYTE	??? (BH from subfn 01h)
		 04h	WORD	??? (DX from subfn 01h)
	    AL = 03h set ??? name/path
		ES:DI -> buffer containing ASCIZ ???
	    AL = 04h get ???
		ES:DI -> buffer for ASCIZ ???
	    Note: the ASCIZ string for subfunctions 03h and 04h does not appear
		to be used by 386MAX, and may serve merely for communication
		between two other Qualitas programs
	AH = 24h (v7.00) high memory control
	    AL = 00h get high memory state
		Return: BX = current state
			    00h high memory removed from DOS memory chain
			    01h high memory included in DOS memory chain
	    AL = 01h set high memory state
		BX = new state
		    00h high memory removed from DOS memory chain
		    01h high memory included in DOS memory chain
			Return: ??? (error, but return varies according to ???)
	AH = 25h (v7.00) remove high RAM from DOS memory chain
	AH = 26h (v7.00) ???
	    BX = ???
	    CX = ???
	    SI = ???
	    DI = ???
	    Return: AH = status
		    BX = ???
		    CX = ???
	AH = 27h (v7.00) ???
	    AL = 00h get ???
		Return: BX = number of paragraphs for ???
	    AL = 01h ???
		BX = ???
		ES??? = ???
	    AL = 02h ???
	    AL = 03h ???
		CX = ???
		DX = ???
		ES??? = ???
		Return: ???
	AH = 28h (v7.00) get ???
		Return: AH = status (00h,8Fh) (see #03648 at INT 67/AH=40h)
			if AH=00h,
			    CX = ???
			    DX = ???
	AH = 29h (v7.00) get ???
		Return: AX = ???
	AH = 40h-5Dh EMS services (see INT 67/AH=40h, etc.)
	AH = DEh VCPI services (see INT 67/AX=DE00h, etc.)
Return: AH = status (as for EMS INT 67 calls)
	    00h successful
	    80h internal error
	    81h hardware malfunction
	    83h invalid handle
	    84h	undefined function
	    8Ah invalid logical page nuber
	    8Bh illegal physical page number
	    8Fh undefined subfunction
	    A4h access denied
	STACK popped (value placed in DX if no specific return value for DX)