Values for DESQview/X socket error code:
 0000h	successful
 0009h	"BADF" bad file handle
 000Ch	"ENOMEM" out of memory
 000Eh	"EFAULT" bad address
 0016h	"EINVAL" invalid argument
 0018h	"EMFILE" too many open files
 0020h	"EPIPE" ??? broken pipe
 0023h	"EWOULDBLOCK" operation cannot be completed at this time
 0024h	"EINPROGRESS" operation now in progress
 0026h	"ENOTSOCK" socket invalid
 0028h	"EMSGSIZE" message too long to send atomically
 002Ch	"ESOCKTNOSUPPORT" socket type not supported
 002Fh	"EAFNOSUPPORT" address family not supp. by protocol fam.
 0031h	"EDOM" argument too large
 0038h	"EISCONN" socket is already connected
 0039h	"ENOTCONN" socket is not connected