Values for Windows HLLAPI return code:
 00h	successful
 01h	Presentation Space not connected/requested size unavailable
 02h	invalid function or parameter error/invalid block ID
 03h	file transfer complete
 04h	file transfer complete (segmented)/Presentation Space busy
 05h	inhibited or keyboard locked
 06h	data truncated
 07h	invalid Presentation Space position
 08h	operation not available
 09h	system error
 0Ah	blocking error
 0Bh	resource not available
 0Ch	session stopped
 14h	undefined key combination
 15h	OIA updated
 16h	Presentation Space updated
 17h	both Presentation Space and OIA updated
 18h	no such field
 19h	no keystrokes available
 1Ah	Presentation Space or Operator Information Area changed
 1Bh	file transfer aborted
 1Ch	zero-length field
 1Eh	cursor type invalid
 1Fh	keystroke overflow
 20h	another application is already connected
 22h	message sent to host cancelled
 23h	transmission from host cancelled
 24h	lost contact with host
 25h	function successful
 26h	function incomplete
 27h	a DDM session is already connected
 28h	disconnected, but asynchronous requests still pending
 29h	buffer already in use
 2Ah	no matching request found
12Dh	invalid function number
12Eh	file not found
131h	access denied
134h	out of memory
136h	environment invalid
137h	format invalid
270Eh (9998) invalid Presentation Space ID
270Fh (9999) invalid row or column code
---Windows HLLAPI extensions---
F000h	asynchronous call already in progress
F001h	invalid asynchronous task ID
F002h	blocking call cancelled
F003h	underlying subsystem not started
F004h	unsupported application version