Format of Phar Lap VM statistics buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	DWORD	VM status
		0001h VM subsystem is present
		0000h VM not present
 04h	DWORD	"nconvpg" number of conventional memory pages available
 08h	DWORD	"nbimpg" number of Compaq built-in memory pages available
 0Ch	DWORD	"nextpg" total number of extended memory pages
 10h	DWORD	"extlim" extender memory pages limit
 14h	DWORD	"aphyspg" number of physical memory pages allocated to appl
 18h	DWORD	"alockpg" number of locked pages owned by application
 1Ch	DWORD	"sysphyspg" number physical memory pages allocated to system
 20h	DWORD	"nfreepg" number of free physical pages; approx if EMS VCPI
 24h	DWORD	linear address of beginning of application address space
 28h	DWORD	linear address of end of application address space
 2Ch	DWORD	number of seconds since last time VM stats were reset
 30h	DWORD	number of page faults since last time
 34h	DWORD	number of pages written to swap file since last time
 38h	DWORD	number of reclaimed pages (page faults on swapped pages)
 3Ch	DWORD	number of virtual pages allocated to the application
 40h	DWORD	size in pages of swap file
 44h	DWORD	number of system pages allocated with EMS calls
 48h	DWORD	minimum number of conventional memory pages
 4Ch	DWORD	maximum size in pages to which swap file can be increased
 50h	DWORD	"vmflags"
		bit 0 = 1 if page fault in progress
---v4.0+ ---
 54h	DWORD	number of physical pages guaranteed to be free
 58h	DWORD	number of free physical pages currently available
 5Ch	DWORD	size in pages of largest free block of memory (including disk
		  swap space)
 60h	DWORD	reserved