Bitfields for device attributes (block device):
Bit(s)	Description	)
 15	clear (indicates block device)
 14	IOCTL supported
 13	non-IBM format
 12	network device (device is remote)
 11	(DOS 3.0+) OPEN/CLOSE/RemMedia calls supported
 10	reserved
 9	direct I/O not allowed??? (set by DOS 3.3 DRIVER.SYS for "new" drives)
 8	??? set by DOS 3.3 DRIVER.SYS for "new" drives
 7	(DOS 5.0+) Generic IOCTL check call supported (driver command 19h)
	(see AX=4410h,AX=4411h)
 6	(DOS 3.2+) Generic IOCTL call supported (driver command 13h)
	implies support for commands 17h and 18h
	  (see AX=440Ch,AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=440Eh,AX=440Fh)
 5-2	reserved
 1	driver supports 32-bit sector addressing (DOS 3.31+)
 0	 reserved
Note:	for European MS-DOS 4.0, bit 11 also indicates that bits 8-6 contain a
	  version code (000 = DOS 3.0,3.1; 001 = DOS 3.2;
	  010 = European DOS 4.0)
SeeAlso: #01647,#01646