Values for MODE 01h "QUERY STREAM" opcodes:
(valid only for those opcodes listed here)
 A0h return logical cursor row in next byte
 A1h return logical cursor column in next byte
 A2h return top row of scrolling region in next byte
 A3h return left column of scrolling region in next byte
 A4h return row of physical window origin in next byte
 A5h return column of physical window origin in next byte
 A6h return height of physcial window in next byte
 A7h return width of physical window in next byte
 A8h return row of viewport origin in next byte
 A9h return column of viewport origin in next byte
 AAh return height of virtual screen in next byte
 ABh return width of virtual screen in next byte
 AFh return current video mode in next byte
 C0h return current logical cursor position in next two bytes
 C1h return top left corner of scrolling region in next two bytes
 C2h return current window position in next two bytes
 C3h return current window size in next two bytes
 C4h return current viewport origin in next two bytes
 C5h return current virtual screen size in next two bytes
 D0h \ overwritten with D0h if frames may fall off screen edge
 D1h /		       D1h if frames always displayed entirely
 D2h \ overwritten with D2h if DESQview controls color palette
 D3h /		       D3h if application changes color palette
 D4h \ overwritten with D4h if window visible
 D5h /		       D5h if window hidden
 D6h \ overwritten with D6h if window has frame
 D7h /		       D7h if window unframed
 D8h \ overwritten with D8h if reading characters from window
 D9h /		       D9h if reading attributes from window
 DAh \ overwritten with DAh if using logical attributes
 DBh /		       DBh if using physical attributes
 DCh \ overwritten with DCh if TTY control char interpretation on
 DDh /		       DDh if TTY control char interpretation off
 DEh \ overwritten with DEh if writing both characters and attributes
 DFh /		       DFh if leaving attributes untouched
 E2h return current color in next byte
 ECh get logical attributes for window contents
	BYTE execute call if currently in specified video mode
		bit 7	monochrome
		bit 6	color text, EGA/VGA graphics
		bit 5	medium-resolution CGA graphics
		bit 4	high-resolution CGA graphics
	BYTE which attributes to get
		bit 7	unused???
		bits 4-6 first attribute to get - 1
		bits 0-3 number of consecutive attributes
	N BYTEs buffer to hold attributes
 EDh get logical attributes for window frame
	BYTE execute call if currently in video mode (also see opcode ECh)
	BYTE which attributes to get
		bit 7	unused???
		bits 4-6 first attribute to get - 1
		bits 0-3 number of consecutive attributes
	N BYTEs buffer to hold attributes
 EEh get characters for window frame
	BYTE execute call if currently in video mode (also see opcode ECh)
	BYTE which attributes to get
		bit 7	unused???
		bits 4-6 first char to get - 1
		bits 0-3 number of consecutive chars
	N BYTEs buffer to hold chars
 EFh return first N characters of current window name
	BYTE	max length of returned name
	N BYTEs buffer to hold window name
 F3h return contents of specified field
	BYTE field number
	N BYTEs buffer to hold field contents (size equal to field size)
 F5h get field table entry
	BYTE field number
	7-8 BYTEs buffer to hold field table entry (see #00444)
	Notes:	DV < 2.26 always returns 7 bytes
		DV 2.26+ w/ APILEVEL < 2.26 returns 8 bytes iff field table
		  is using 8-byte entries and eighth byte after	F5h is E7h
		  (NOP); otherwise, 7 bytes are returned
		DV 2.26+ w/ APILEVEL > 2.26 returns 7 or 8 bytes depending
		  on the field table entry size
 F6h get type of a field
	BYTE field number
	BYTE type
 FCh get field table header
	6 BYTEs buffer to store field table header (see #00442)
SeeAlso: #00439,#00447