Format of Alloy user information record:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	WORD	segment of video RAM
 02h	WORD	segment of secondary copy of video RAM
 04h	WORD	offset of screen update flag (see INT 10/AH=8Bh)
		flag nonzero if update needed
 06h	WORD	video NMI enable port
		(not used by MW386, set to 0000h)
 08h	WORD	video NMI disable port
		(not used by MW386, set to 0000h)
 0Ah	BYTE	processor type
		00h 8088
		01h V20
		02h 8086
		03h V30
		06h 80386
 0Bh	WORD	multitasking flag (00h = single tasking, 01h = multitasking)
		(not used by MW386, set to 0000h)
 0Dh	WORD	offset of terminal driver
		(not used by MW386, set to 0000h)
 0Fh	BYTE	port for console I/O
		(not used by MW386, set to 0000h)
 10h	WORD	offset of processor communication busy flag
		bit 7 set when slave communicating with host
 12h	WORD	pointer to FAR NX system call
		(not used by MW386, set to 0000h)
 14h	WORD	offset of 16-byte user configuration record (see AH=38h)
 16h	WORD	offset of command/status word
 18h	WORD	offset of screen valid flag (see INT 10/AH=93h)
		nonzero if screen must be repainted
 1Ah	WORD	offset of screen repaint flag
 1Ch	WORD	pointer to NEAR NX system call
		(not used by MW386, set to 0000h)
 1Eh	WORD	offset for intercept flags
		(not used by MW386, set to 0000h)
		intercept flag = FFh if MS-DOS intercepts should be disabled
 20h	WORD	offset of terminal lock flag (see INT 10/AH=92h)
		lock flag = FFh if backgrnd screen updates should be suspended
 22h 26 BYTEs	reserved