Format of HP EX-BIOS driver header data:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	WORD	driver attributes (see #03746)
 02h	WORD	string index of driver's name
 04h	WORD	driver's default logical device vector (see #03741)
 06h	WORD	driver's parent class (bitset) (see #03747)
 08h	WORD	driver's child class (bitset)
 0Ah	WORD	driver's parent vector
 0Ch	WORD	driver's child vector
 0Eh	BYTE	major subaddress
 0Fh	BYTE	minor subaddress
Notes:	this structure is located at offset 0 in the driver's data segment,
	  which in turn may be read from the HP_VECTOR_TABLE (refer to note in
	  main entry)
	only the first WORD is required, and everything from offset 6 onward
	  is only required if the device wishes to perform device mapping
SeeAlso: #03748,#03749