Format of NDIS common characteristics table:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	WORD	size of table in bytes
 02h	BYTE	NDIS major version
 03h	BYTE	NDIS minor version
 04h	WORD	reserved
 06h	BYTE	module major version
 07h	BYTE	module minor version
 08h	DWORD	module function flag bits
		bit 0: binding at upper boundary supported
		bit 1: binding at lower boundary supported
		bit 2: dynamically bound
		bits 3-31 reserved, must be 0
 0Ch 16 BYTEs	ASCIZ module name
 1Ch	BYTE	upper boundary protocol level (see #01436)
 1Dh	BYTE	upper boundary interface type
		for MACs: 1 = MAC
		for data links and transports: to be defined
		for session: 1 = NCB
		any level: 0 = private (ISV-defined)
 1Eh	BYTE	lower boundary protocol level (see #01436)
 1Fh	BYTE	lower boundary interface type
		same as offset 1Dh
 20h	WORD	module ID filled in by protocol manager
 22h	WORD	module DS
 24h	DWORD	system request entry point
 28h	DWORD	pointer to service-specific characteristics (see #01438,#01440)
		0000h:0000h if none
 2Ch	DWORD	pointer to service-specific status, or 0000h:0000h if none
		  (see #01441)
 30h	DWORD	pointer to upper dispatch table (see #01437)
		0000h:0000h if none
 34h	DWORD	pointer to lower dispatch table (see #01437)
		0000h:0000h if none
 38h  2 DWORDs	reserved, must be 0
Note:	for compatibility with NDIS 1.x.x, a major version of 00h is
	  interpreted as 01h