Format of DESQview/X variable length record:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	WORD	length of following record, 0000h if end of record list
 02h	BYTE	record type
		01h script filename, up to 64 characters
		02h command-line parameters (allows >64 characters on cmdline)
		03h environment inheritance
		04h environment string
		05h starting window position
---types 01h,02h,04h---
 03h  N BYTEs	ASCII data
---type 03h---
 03h	BYTE	inheritance
		00h do not inherit
		01h inherit environment
---type 05h---
 03h  N BYTEs	ASCII copy of fields as typed into DVPMAN, separated by commas:
		starting row, starting column, starting height, starting width
Note:	if there are multiple occurrences of record types 01h, 02h, or 03h,
	  only the last instance of each type is used; multiple occurrences of
	  type 04h are concatenated
SeeAlso: #00427