Format of NetWare "AFP Scan File Information" request packet:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	WORD	(big-endian) length of following data
 02h	BYTE	0Ah (subfunction "AFP Scan File Information")
 03h	BYTE	volume number
 04h	DWORD	AFP entry ID
 08h	DWORD	AFP last-seen ID (from previous call)
		FFFFFFFFh on first call
 0Ch	WORD	number of entries to return (max. 4)
 0Eh	WORD	search bitmap (see #02322)
 10h	WORD	request bitmap (see #02310)
 12h	BYTE	path length
 13h  N BYTEs	AFS-style directory path (relative to AFP entry ID)
SeeAlso: #02323,#02336