Format of MIDI Info Structure:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	4 BYTEs	name of the structure ("MIDI")
 04h	DWORD	structure length
 08h	DWORD	driver software version [00000003h]
 0Ch 32 BYTEs	vendor name, etc. (ASCIZ string)
 2Ch 32 BYTEs	vendor product name
 4Ch 32 BYTEs	vendor chip/hardware description
 6Ch	BYTE	installed board number
 6Dh	3 BYTEs	unused data
 70h 14 BYTEs	the patch library file name [OPL2.BNK 00..]
 7Eh	DWORD	feature bits (see #00119)
 80h	WORD	user determined preference field
 82h	WORD	memory required for driver use
 84h	WORD	# of timer tick callbacks per second
 86h	WORD	max # of tones (voices, partials)
SeeAlso: #00112,#00120,#00122