Call client module entry point with:
	BX = function
	    0000h remove client module
		Return: AX = status (0000h if successful, else WEB error code)
	    0001h decrement client-only flag
	    0002h increment client-only flag
	    0005h set device capture
		Note:	decrements DeviceOutput flag, telling the spooler that
			  it may trap device output again
	    0006h clear device capture
		Note:	increments DeviceOutput flag, telling the spooler that
			  it should not trap device output (this is used
			  internally by the spooler to prevent it from trapping
			  its own output)
	    0007h get client debug pointer
		Return: ES:DI -> client debug data structure (see #03120)
	    0008h get root drive
		Return: AL = WEB startup drive
	    0009h get maximum possible drive/device redirections
		Return: AL = maximum drive redirections
			CH = maximum LPTx redirections
			CL = maximum COMx redirections
	    000Ah suspend client
		Return: AX = previous value of Suspend flag
	    000Bh resume client
		Return: AX = previous value of Suspend flag
	    000Ch get instance data
		CX = maximum number of structures in array
		ES:DI -> buffer for array of WIN_INSTANCE_DATA structures
			  (see #03121)
		Return: CX = number of structures actually returned
		Note:	used internally by WEB4WIN