Format of PC-MOS/386 Record Lock Block:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	BYTE	signature byte "H" if allocated from system memory pool
 01h	BYTE	header block ID, "R" = record lock block
 02h	WORD	length of block in paragraphs
 04h	WORD	segment address of next header block (0000h if last)
 06h	WORD	segment address of previous header block (0000h if first)
 08h	WORD	pointer to next TCB
 0Ah	WORD	pointer to previous TCB
 0Ch	WORD	pointer to associated TCB (if applicable)
 0Eh	WORD	reserved
 10h	WORD	segment address of owner's PSP
 12h	WORD	segment address of Global File Block (see #04011)
 14h	WORD	segment address of owner's Task File Block (see #04009)
 16h	DWORD	file offset of locked region start
 1Ah	DWORD	length of locked region
 1Eh	WORD	owner's handle for file