Bitfields for Linear Executable module type:
Bit(s)	Description	)
 2	initialization (only for DLLs) 0 = global, 1 = per-process
 4	no internal fixups in executable image
 5	no external fixups in executable image
 8-10	API compatibility
	0 = unknown
	1 = incompatible with PM windowing \
	2 = compatible with PM windowing    > (only for
	3 = uses PM windowing API	   /	programs)
 13	module not loadable (only for programs)
 15-17	module type
	000 program
	001 library (DLL)
	011 protected memory library module
	100 physical device driver
	110 virtual device driver
 30	per-process library termination
	(requires valid CS:EIP, can't be set for .EXE)