Format of CPRLOW jump array:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h  3 BYTEs	initialize CPRLOW interrupt hooks
 03h  3 BYTEs	reset timers and enable CPR (hotkey enable)
 06h  3 BYTEs	disable CPR (hotkey disable)
 09h  3 BYTEs	clear ??? flag, hotkey disable, and ???
 0Ch  3 BYTEs	initialize delay loop counter (destroys AX,BX,CX,DX)
 0Fh  3 BYTEs	disable CPR completely (commandline /DISABLE)
 12h  3 BYTEs	enable ??? if CPR enabled by both cmdline and hotkey
 15h  3 BYTEs	enable CPR (commandline /ENABLE)