Format of DVSIXDI v1.10-v2.00 information for one process:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	BYTE	process flags (see #03103)
 01h	WORD	Open Window keys
 03h	WORD	Switch Windows number
 05h	WORD	segment of process handle
 07h	WORD	number of tasks for process
 09h	WORD	process mapping context
 0Bh	DWORD	time process started (relative to start of DESQview)
 0Fh	DWORD	time process last got CPU (relative to start of DESQview)
 13h	DWORD	time process last gave up CPU (relative to start of DESQview)
 17h	DWORD	total CPU time since process started
 1Bh	DWORD	CPU time at start of current instantaneous interval
 1Fh	DWORD	CPU time in current instantaneous interval
 23h	DWORD	hook for other programs
Note:	all times are in 1/100s for v1.10, in 1/18s for v1.11+