Values for NetWare TCP/IP function code:
 01h	"accept" accept a network connection request
 02h	"bind" associate an address with a socket
 03h	close socket
	Call:	socket number field set
 04h	"connect" connect to a remote host
 05h	"getmyipaddr" get IP address
	Call:	socket number field in sockaddr set to 0000h
 06h	"getmymacaddr" get hardware address
 07h	"getpeername"
 08h	"getsockname" get socket name
 09h	"getsockopt" get socket options
 0Ah	"getsubnetmask" get subnet mask
 0Bh	"ioctl"
 0Ch	"listen" wait for connection request on socket
 0Dh	"select"
	Return: socket bitmap updated (1=active)
 0Eh	"setmyipaddr" (obsolete) set IP address
 0Fh	"setsockopt" set socket options
 10h	"shutdown"
 11h	"socket" open socket
	Call:	socket number field set to 0000h
	Return: socket number set
 12h	"recv" get data from peer
 13h	"recvfrom" get data from specified remote host
	Call:	socket number set
		packet length and buffer descriptors set
	Return:	packet length and receive buffers updated
		sockaddr field set to source port number + IP address
 14h	"send" write data to socket
 15h	"sendto" write data to specified recipient
	Call:	socket number set
		flags at offset 18h = 0000h
		packet length and buffer descriptors set
---v4.02+ ---
 16h	get BOOTP data
	Return: BOOTP data stored in parameter block (see #02906)
 17h	"getsnmpinfo"
 18h	"getpathinfo" get/set configuration???
---v4.??? ---
 19h	"getifn"	get interface number
 1Ah	"setipinfo"	set IP information
 1Bh	"getipinfo"	get IP information
 1Ch	"setdnsinfo"	set DNS information
 1Dh	"getdnsinfo"	get DNS information
 1Eh	"setroutes"	set/modify route entry(ies)
 1Fh	"getroutes"	get route entry(ies)
 20h	"removeroutes"	remove route entry(ies)
 21h	"setarpe"	set/modify ARP entry(ies)
 22h	"getarpe"	get ARP entry(ies)
 23h	"removearpe"	remove ARP entry(ies)
Notes:	these functions are based on the Unix socket interface
	OR function number with 80h to call ESR
SeeAlso: #02904