Category: DOS kernel


	AH = 38h
--DOS 2.x--
	AL = 00h get current-country info
	DS:DX -> buffer for returned info (see #01398,#01399)
Return: CF set on error
	    AX = error code (02h)
	CF clear if successful
	    AX = country code (MS-DOS 2.11 only)
	    buffer at DS:DX filled
--DOS 3.0+--
	AL = 00h for current country
	AL = 01h thru 0FEh for specific country with code <255 (see #01400)
	AL = 0FFh for specific country with code >= 255
	   BX = 16-bit country code (see #01400)
	DS:DX -> buffer for returned info (see #01399)
Return: CF set on error
	    AX = error code (02h)
	CF clear if successful
	    AX = country code (Novell NWDOS v7.0)
	    BX = country code
	    DS:DX buffer filled
Note:	this function is not supported by the Borland DPMI host, but no error
	  is returned; as a workaround, one should allocate a buffer in
	  conventional memory with INT 31/AX=0100h and simulate an INT 21 with
	  INT 31/AX=0300h
SeeAlso: AH=65h,INT 10/AX=5001h,INT 2F/AX=1404h