Category: network

INT 7A - Novell NetWare - IPX Driver - OPEN SOCKET

	BX = 0000h
	AL = socket longevity
	    00h open until close or terminate
	    FFh open until close
	DX = socket number (high byte in DL)
	    0000h dynamic allocation
	    else  socket to open (see #03809)
Return: AL = return code
	    00h success
		DX = socket number
	    FEh socket table full
	    FFh socket already open
Notes:	TSRs which need to use sockets should set AL to FFh, non-resident
	  programs should normally use AL=00h
	IPX can be configured to support up to 150 open sockets on a
	  workstation, and defaults to 20
	this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.02+
SeeAlso: INT 7A/BX=0001h,INT 7A/BX=0004h,INT 7A/BX=0023h