Category: network

INT 14 - Connection Manager - RECEIVE CHARACTER

	AH = 02h
	BH = character to send
Return: AH = return code (00h-02h,04h,FFh) (see #00303)
	BH = line status (see #00304)
	AL = received character (if any)
Notes:	if DX is 0-3 on entry, Connection Manager emulates the standard BIOS
	  function, but redirects the port over the network; if DX is any other
	  value, the call is chained
	this function is provided primarily for compatibility; AH=07h/DX=FFFFh
	  is the preferred function because it provides better performance
SeeAlso: AH=02h/DX=FFFFh,AH=03h/DX=FFFFh,AH=06h/DX=FFFFh