Category: network

INT 61 - XFS v1.76 - XFSKRNL.EXE - API

	AX = function
	    8000h installation check???
		Return: AX = 0000h
	    8001h ???
		ES:DI -> DWORD ???
		Return: AX = status???
	    8002h ???
		BX = ???
		CX = ???
		ES:DI -> ???
		Return: AX = status???
	    8003h ???
		BX = ???
		CX = ???
		ES:DI -> ???
		Return: AX = status???
	    8004h ???
		BX = ???
		Return: AX = status???
	    8005h wait until ???
		Return: DX:AX = ???
	    8006h get ???
		Return: DX:AX -> ??? record
	    8007h set IP address??? (or htonl/ntohl)
		DX:BX = IP address???
		Return: DX:AX = byte-swapped IP address
	    8008h set IP address??? (or htonl/ntohl)
		DX:AX = IP address???
		Return: DX:AX = byte-swapped IP address
	    8009h ???
		ES:DI -> ???
		Return: DX:AX = ???
	    800Ah ???
	    800Bh ???
		Return: DX:AX = ???
	    800Ch ???
	    800Dh ???
	    800Eh ???
	    800Fh ???
	    8010h get ??? record
		Return: DX:AX -> ??? record
	    8011h ???
	    8012h ???
		BX = ???
		Return: DX:AX = ???
	    8013h get ??? record
		Return: DX:AX -> ??? record
	    8014h ???
		ES:DI -> ???
		Return: nothing
	    8015h get ??? record
		Return: DX:AX -> 8-byte ??? record
	    8016h get ??? record
		Return: DX:AX -> 6-byte ??? record
	    8017h ???
		ES:DI -> ???
		Return: DX:AX = ???
	    8018h get ??? record
		Return: DX:AX -> ??? record
	    8019h get ??? record
		Return: DX:AX -> 14-byte ??? record
	    801Ah get ??? record
		Return: DX:AX -> ??? record (max 98 bytes)
	    801Bh get ??? record
		Return: DX:AX -> ??? record
	    801Ch ???
		Return: nothing
	    801Dh get ???
		Return: AL = ???
	    801Eh ???
		Return: AX = ???
	    801Fh uninstall
		Return: AX = status
			    0000h successful
			    other interrupt which could not be released
	AX = other
		Return: AX:BX = ??? (0000h:0000h by default)
Program: XFS is a shareware Network File System client by Robert Juhasz
Range:	INT 60 to INT 65, selected by scanning for two consecutive free
	  vectors and hooking the first
SeeAlso: INT 62"XFS"