Category: DESQview/TopView and Quarterdeck programs
Flags: callout or callback (usually hooked rather than called)

INT 2F - DESQview v2.26+ External Dev Interface - ADD PROCESS

	AX = DE04h
	BX = mapping context of new process (see #00416 at INT 15/AX=1016h)
	DX = handle of process
Return: nothing
Notes:	XMS XDI handler (installed by default) allocates a 22-byte record
	  (see #03104) from "common" memory to control access to XMS memory
	all DOS, BIOS, and DV API calls are valid in handler
	driver should pass this call to previous handler after processing it
SeeAlso: AX=DE05h,AX=DE06h,INT 15/AX=5401h