From: "Soyeb Aswat" Organization: Mirage Technologies Date: 7 Mar 99 00:43:00 +0000 Subject: Probably a stupid question Message-Id: To: pgcc AT delorie DOT com Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: MicroDot-II/AmigaOS NC 1.2 [NC2-#000001A4] Reply-To: pgcc AT delorie DOT com Hi all, I'm new to this list, and also rather nieve so please bear with me on the following questions... but first to set the scene. I bought the "free" Solaris 7 offer and installed it on a pentim machine. It works a treat... and then I realised it did not have gzip/gunzip... so I went and found the source for it, untared it and typed ./configure... it finished very quickly. I thought to myself that my computer is quick but it's not that quick, so I tried it again and this time I looked at the output. Uhm strange, it is not finding cc... so I went on the search for one on the install CD's but to no avail, then I remembered that at my former workplace we had a HP box that didn't come with a C compiler, so I guessed that neither did Solaris, this I confirmed by reading some documentation. I then went on the search for a binary of a C compiler for Solaris 7 and I found pgcc, wow! So I downloaded it and decruched it to /usr/local as described in the documentation (this is after reinstalling Solaris as I didn't have a large enough /usr). Now I have managed to compile gzip/gunzip and bash but that is it :-( I tried compiling mpeg_play but all I got were X window errors during make, similarly with xview. Now to my questions; 1. I guess that I don't have the paths set correctly. What would I need to set and to where? 2. If you can't or do not want to answer Q1 (this is not directed at any particular person) perhaps you could point me at a website or something where I can find this out. All replies will be greatly appreciated. And finally an example of my idiocy, upon realising that there was no compiler I tried to install the source for gcc and compile that! See ya all, Soyeb