X-POP3-Rcpt: mlehmann AT universe DOT sgh-net DOT de Message-ID: <348F0DDC.1F4D@teleport.com> 10 Dec 1997 13:47:08 -0800 From: Mark Contra Reply-To: markc AT teleport DOT com X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0 (Win16; U) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: beastium-list AT Desk DOT nl Subject: PGCC 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: Marc Lehmann Status: RO X-Status: A Content-Length: 377 Lines: 7 I downloaded PGCC 1.0 for DOS (DJGPP) rebuilt LIBC, ALLEGRO, and my program and then, believe it or not, it ran slower than it did before when it was compiled with the normal GCC whith the options -O3 -m486. I did use -O6 -mpentium when building with PGCC, still slower. Does anyone know why? I am not on the mailing-list, so please send me your replies directly. Thank you.