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MOTHERS AGAINST SEXUAL ABUSE, MASA, is a national non-profit organization, Federal ID #95-4364494, founded March 25, 1992.  MASA is

Dedicated to stopping sexual abuse of children, helping adult survivors of abuse and non-offending parents and guardians of children who have been sexually abused.  Child sexual abuse is the greatest hidden epidemic in this country.  The current statistics are that one out of three girls and one out of four boys will be sexually violated one or more times before they reach the age of eighteen.  Very little is being done to call attention to this tragedy.


This urgent plea to you is to ask for financial help in expanding MASA’s educational programs.  We would like to take this information into schools, hospitals, churches, and other institutions that will benefit from these programs.  We invite you to visit our website which is a virtual library at http://www.againstsexualabuse.org/.  All major credit cards and checks are accepted and no gift is too small.  All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a tax receipt for your gift.  Our profound belief is that education is power and we must empower every parent and caretaker of children to have the knowledge to protect the children.  We all must become a voice for the children.


STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS:  MASA helped eliminate the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution in cases of incest and child sexual abuse in the state of California.  We need your help to continue this cause nationwide.  Your financial support is needed to continue our campaign.  Please register at our site to register your voice and send this message to your friends and colleagues to show your support of this very important issue.      


Claire R. Reeves is the president and founder of MASA.  The California Assembly and Legislature have honored Ms. Reeves for her work.  She was named Woman of the Year in California in 1997.  Today, a senior citizen, Ms. Reeves, also a counselor, continues her work to help victims of child sexual abuse.  Please join her in her quest to protect the children.  Every child has the right to grow up free of abuse.  IT SHOULD NOT HURT TO BE A CHILD.

Claire R. Reeves, C.C.D.C.


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