From: "A.Appleyard" Organization: Materials Science Centre To: DJGPP AT DELORIE DOT COM Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 09:59:08 GMT Subject: Calling Windows routines in djgpp Message-ID: (Oh no, groan, I'm raising this thread again.) In the course of trying to find how to write Windows programs in djgpp that can create windows and menu boxes etc like Visual C does, I have waded at length through several large expensive comprehensive-looking books on the inner workings of Windows and I am at the end of what I can track down myself. (0) I have found that Windows functions are in a number of tables of them, e.g. GetFilePortName is number 343 in the table USER, and that it is called as `WORD FAR PASCAL GetFilePortName(LPOSFTRUCT) LPOFSTRUCT lpofstruct; (display a "print to file" box and return the chosen file's details in arg `lpofstruct'). (1) Where is FTP or WWW info about special interrupts that only work in Windows? (2) Where on FTP or WWW is a full listing of these Windows functions (names, arg patterns, what they do, what number position in which table)? The information on (0) is from `Undocumented Windows', which does not describe `documented' functions (documented where (including number and table name)?). (3) Please: If one of these functions is the n'th function in the table QWERTY, and it has such and such an arg pattern, how do I call it from djgpp? If someone could write an interface that will let a djgpp program start under Windows (not in a DOS box) and call just one of these functions, say the abovementioned GetFilePortName, I can (given a source of information (2)) do the rest of the donkey work and make altered copies of GetFilePortName's interface matter to call each of the many other such Windows functions.