From: Sengan DOT Short AT durham DOT ac DOT uk Message-Id: <> Subject: Warning: djp and vim To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 01:09:06 +0100 (BST) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi folks, There appears to be a bad problem with VIM or the djgpp packer ``djp''. I installed both on my computer, and merrily packed vim, make, ld... ie all the files I use often, the idea being that it should reduce swapping. The result was that vim systematically corrupted CPP.exe, whether or not cpp.exe was packed. This seemed only to occur when vim was packed. It's quite possible VIM overwrote something else when it was not packed, but I have yet to discover this... (hopefully not!) I have used VIM on the college pentiums for a while, without ill effect, but of course they are set up differently. My advice is to avoid djp and vim for a while, until the problem can be isolated. Sengan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My setup is: TI 486 SLC 4Mb Ram 25Mhz Smartdrive Dblspace: THE OLD VERSION, ie BEFORE DOUBLEGUARD, so it can get its internal buffers overwritten! In fact, I am wondering whether this could not be the problem: does the decompress code in the stub reserve enough dpmi memory to be sure that it does not write over other stuff/is the dpmi server set up right at that stage, etc... CWSDPMI Memory Type Total = Used + Free ---------------- ------- ------- ------- Conventional 639K 117K 522K Upper 0K 0K 0K Reserved 129K 129K 0K Extended (XMS) 3 328K 1 088K 2 240K ---------------- ------- ------- ------- Total memory 4 096K 1 334K 2 762K Total under 1 MB 639K 117K 522K Largest executable program size 522K (534 928 bytes) Largest free upper memory block 0K (0 bytes) MS-DOS is resident in the high memory area. go32/v2 version 2.0 built Jan 23 1996 22:03:02 Usage: go32 coff-image [args] Rename this to go32.exe only if you need a go32 that can run v2 binaries as well as v1 binaries (old makefiles). Put ahead of the old go32 in your PATH. DPMI memory available: 2064 Kb DPMI swap space available: 42120 Kb CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DOS=HIGH FILES=30 REM BUFFERS=30 STACKS=9,256 FCBS=1 SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS\ /E:800 /p COUNTRY=033,850,C:\DOS\COUNTRY.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS\DISPLAY.SYS CON=(EGA,,1) DEVICE=C:\UTILS\BATTERY.PRO DEVICEHIGH=C:\DOS\DBLSPACE.SYS /MOVE BUFFERS=10,0 LASTDRIVE=z AUTOEXEC.BAT: @ECHO OFF REM SET COMSPEC=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM SUBST X: C:\DJGPP\BIN REM SUBST Y: C:\GCC\BIN SUBST Z: C:\RCS PATH C:\DOS;C:\WINDOWS;C:\UTILS;C:\;C:\BIN;C:\EMTEX;X:;C:\MASM;C:\GOFER;C:\HUGS;Z: PROMPT $p$g SET MFILE=C:\UTILS SET TEMP=C:\DOS SET GOFER=C:/GOFER/prelude SET HUGS=C:/HUGS/HUGS.PRE REM SET DJGPP=C:\GCC\DJGPP.ENV CALL C:\DJGPP\BIN\SETDJGPP.BAT C:\DJGPP C:/DJGPP SET 387=N SET EMU387=c:/djgpp/bin/wmemu387.dxe SET TMPDIR=C:\TMP SET GO32TMP=C:\TMP SET GO32=emu c:\djgpp\bin\wmemu387 SET LOGNAME=dcs3ss SET DOS4G=quiet SET GZIP=-9v --name SET TMP=C:\TMP REM SET EMTEXDRV=C SET dviscr=/pfc:\newfonts\pixel.lj\$r REM SET EXINIT=:set directory C:\TMP C:\DOS\MODE CON CODEPAGE PREPARE=((850) C:\DOS\EGA.CPI) C:\DOS\MODE CON CODEPAGE SELECT=850 C:\DOS\KEYB FR,,C:\DOS\KEYBOARD.SYS C:\DOS\SMARTDRV REM ======================================================= REM = run GETSTAT /QW to insure QuickPort mouse connected = REM ======================================================= GETSTAT /QW REM ==================================================== REM = To run MOUSE, remove the REM from the MOUSE line = REM ==================================================== REM MOUSE /Y REM ================================================== REM = To run RPAL, remove the REM from the RPAL line = REM ================================================== REM RPAL /I GETSTAT /B IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO BATTERY GOTO DONE :BATTERY VERIFY ON :DONE MPOWER OFF >NUL REM ================================================== REM = To run LM, remove the REM from the LM line and = REM = place a REM in front of WIN /3. = REM ================================================== REM LM REM WIN /3