Date: Mon, 08 Jan 1996 11:27 -0600 (MDT) From: "Caron, Lt Dennis" Subject: djgpp compiler To: "'djgpp users'" Posting-Date: Mon, 08 Jan 1996 11:27 -0600 (MDT) To DJGPP Users, We, at the 746 Test Squadron, would like to try the pc version of the GNU compiler. So far we have down loaded the following list of files from the site [SimTel/vendors/djgpp]: dj112m4.doc readme.1st We have unpacked most of the files using PKWARE's pkunzip version 2.04c. We must first use pkzipfix prior to unzipping the files. Then while using pkunzip on the file, two messages are presented. The first is a warning stating that each unpacked file has a bad table. The second message states that each file has a CRC failure. We have encountered a problem unpacking one file in particular, the file. This file requires the pkzipfix step, and begins to unpack using the pkunzip. However, only the first file, the cxxfilt.exe, actually is unpacked before the computer locks up trying to unpack the next file, the gasp.exe. Any suggestion to overcome this lock up problem? Eventually we are looking for a pc compiler that will target to a 68040 processor. Will the djgpp support this? Please send comments or suggestions to Mr. Keith at the following e-mail address: keith AT a1 DOT 46tg DOT af DOT mil. Thank you.