Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 12:45:20 GMT From: "C. N. Feng" Subject: missing separator in MAKEFILE To: DJGPP Hi, I download CBGRX103.ZIP recently and followed the instruction to setup. In the file, it said use "make install" to setup. In fact, I found it shoul be "make default", because there is no "install" label in make.bat. Anyway, this is not the problem. The problem is I got the following messages when useing "make default" to setup : make.exe : nothing to be done for 'drvrs'. make.exe : nothing to be done for 'all'. makefile.gcc:1: *** missing separator. Stop. The final directory where I was in is "events" directory. I checked the makefile.gcc under this directory, but can not find anything worng with it. Could anyone give me help ? Thanks in advance. Cheng-Ning Feng, PS. I am using DJGPP under DOS system. "make.bat" and "makefile.gcc" are attached here : *** makefile.gcc ****************************************************** !if $d(DEBUG) GDEBUG= -g -DDEBUG=1 !endif GCCOPT= -O -Wall $(GDEBUG) all: ../lib/libqueue.a evtst386.exe evtst386: evtest.c ../lib/libqueue.a gcc -g -o evtst386 $(GCCOPT) -L../lib evtest.c -lqueue evtst386.exe: evtest.c ../lib/libqueue.a gcc -o evtst386 $(GCCOPT) -L../lib evtest.c -lqueue strip evtst386 aout2exe evtst386 del evtst386 ../lib/libqueue.a: nextevnt.o event32.o -del ..\lib\libqueue.a ar -rvs ../lib/libqueue.a nextevnt.o event32.o # # Dependencies: # nextevnt.o: eventque.h event32.o: eventque.h # # Rules: # .c.o: gcc -c $(GCCOPT) $*.c *** make.bat ********************************************************* @echo off if _%1==_ goto default :again goto %1 goto exit :default call make drivers if errorlevel 1 goto exit cd events make.exe -fmakefile.gcc if errorlevel 1 goto exit cd .. cd src make.exe -fmakefile.gcc if errorlevel 1 goto exit cd .. goto end :test call make default if errorlevel 1 goto exit cd test make.exe -fmakefile.gcc if errorlevel 1 goto exit cd .. goto end :turboc call make drivers if errorlevel 1 goto exit cd events make.exe -fmakefile.tcc if errorlevel 1 goto exit cd .. cd src make.exe -fmakefile.tcc if errorlevel 1 goto exit cd .. goto end :turbotst call make turboc if errorlevel 1 goto exit cd test make.exe -fmakefile.tcc if errorlevel 1 goto exit cd .. goto end :drivers cd drivers make if errorlevel 1 goto exit cd .. cd ndrivers make if errorlevel 1 goto exit cd .. goto end :all call make turbotst if errorlevel 1 goto exit call make test if errorlevel 1 goto exit goto end :clean del events\*.o* del events\*.exe del events\*.map del src\stamp*.* del src\*.o del src\*.oo del src\*.obj del fntool\*.exe del fntool\*.o del fntool\*.obj del fntool\fntool del test\*.exe del test\* del test\*.o del test\*.obj del utils\*.exe cd drivers make clean cd ..\ndrivers make clean cd .. goto end :cleanall call make clean cd drivers make cleanall cd ..\ndrivers make cleanall cd .. del lib\*.a del lib\*.lib goto end :end shift if not _%1==_ goto again :exit