Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 15:31:37 +0900 From: Stephen Turnbull To: eliz AT is DOT elta DOT co DOT il Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: SmartDrive Interface FYI, the IOCTL interface is no longer the way to talk to SmartDrive. It worked for old versions of the cache (before 4.x, which came with DOS 6.x and Windows 3.1x). You can see what version your cache is by typing the following words of wisdom from the DOS command prompt: smartdrv /s If this prints version 4.x (Windows 3.1x) or 5.x (DOS 6.2x), then the IOCTL interface is not for you. And what if smartdrv /s doesn't work, because it's smartdrv.sys? (This is the case with IBM DOS/V 5.x.) Presumably the IOCTL interface will work, but.... Obviously IBM and Microsoft have somewhat different philosophies on this; do you know if smartdrv is the same across those two implementations of DOS? -- Stephen Turnbull / Yaseppochi-gumi / anon FTP: Check out Kansai-WWW, too ------------>