Original-Received: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 10:28:13 -0800 from spelunker.arc.nasa.gov by cave.arc.nasa.gov (8.6.8/1.2) PP-warning: Illegal Received field on preceding line From: Mark Elston Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 10:28:10 -0800 To: mfeldman AT seas DOT gwu DOT edu Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: Re: Ada and djgpp Thanks for your reply. I don't know if you remember or not but a couple of years ago you came out to Edwards AFB (a couple of times, actually) to give some training (beginning and intermediate) to the TEMS organization. I was in that group at the time. I'm glad to see you are actively involved in the GNAT project. I have had the opportunity to use Ada only briefly in my career since the training but I have kept all my training materials and acutally review them from time to time. I know the Ada-9X LRM is available from sw-eng.falls-church.va.us. Are there any on-line tutorials (not the executable variety -- just something I can print out and read at my leisure)? I don't need explanations of the basic features of Ada, but something that explains the new features of the language (with examples preferably) and any modifications to the old features of the language. Anyway, thanks for the outstanding job. Keep it up. Mark.