Date: Fri, 22 Jul 94 11:44:42 MEZ From: "Dr. Martin Erdelen" Subject: crt0.o "malformed input file" ??? To: DJGPP mailing list Hello, after installing DJGPP 1.11 and updating it up to and including DJ111M5, I tried to compile hello.c (via testit.bat) and keep getting the following error message, and no executable is produced: [...] f:/djgpp/bin/cc1.exe f:/djgpp/temp/cc006182 -fno-builtin -quiet -dumpbase hello.c -version -o f:/djgpp/temp/cca06182 GNU C version 2.5.7 (80386, BSD syntax) compiled by GNU C version 2.5.7. f:/djgpp/bin/as.exe -o f:/djgpp/temp/ccb06182 f:/djgpp/temp/cca06182 f:/djgpp/bin/ld.exe -o hello f:/djgpp/lib/crt0.o -Lf:/djgpp/lib f:/djgpp/temp/ccb06182 -lgcc -lc -lgcc f:/djgpp/lib/crt0.o: malformed input file (not rel or archive) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What does this mean? I realize that this might be a FAQ (I'm new to DJGPP as well as to this mailing list). If so: Is there a FAQ list available somewhere? Thanks for any info. Best regards, MArtin