From: Christopher Matthews Keane Subject: Direct Graphics Memory Writing To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 21:51:26 -0400 (EDT) I am using DJGPP 1.09 with GRX in developing some image processing programs. I currently have the screen refresh being done by indexing the color to the LUT - and plotting the point via GrPlot(x, y, c); In 1024x768, this is *relatively* slow and I am trying to speed the process up some by directly writing to video RAM. I have written my own direct write simply by *(screen_base+y*width+x)=(char)c; where screen_base = 0xd0000000. This works like a charm and is somewhat faster - but I don't think it is any different than the NoClipping GrPlot()..... I have tried to memcpy( (screen_base+y*width), line, width); where line is a char array of size width. But in this case I get garbage on the screen. What am I doing wrong? Anyone know of a routine to move whole lines via direct video writing at a fast rate.... I must admit that this garbage is comes up on the screen VERY quickly! Any help will be greatly appreciated.... Cheers Christopher Keane keane AT earthsun DOT umd DOT edu