Date: Thu, 03 Sep 92 11:07:47 PDT From: Peter Crowley To: djgpp-announce AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: Quarterdeck provides X libraries for GNU C/C++ Text item: Attached is a press release relating to Quarterdecks SDKs for DESQview/X. Page 4 briefly mentions the availablity of X libraries for the GNU C/C++ compiler on the internet. The file: -rw-r----- 1 1501 other 841794 Aug 28 13:52 is available on: host: login: ftp password: send your e-mail address directory: ~ftp/pub/msdos/djgpp It should be propagated to all other djgpp ftp sites. It is not currently in the contrib format. It places additional libraries in the lib\, includes in include\, and some demonstration X clients in demos\ off your DJGPP directory. The libraries require djgpp 1.08. Peter Crowley Quarterdeck Office Systems The following is an attached File item from cc:Mail. It contains eight bit information which had to be encoded to insure successful trans- mission through various mail systems. To decode the file use the UUDECODE program. --------------------------------- Cut Here --------------------------------- begin 644 KIT.TXT M1D]2($E-345$24%412!214Q%05-%("`@("`@("`@("`@("!#;VYT86-T.B!# M:&%R;&5S($UC2&5N&EB:6QI='D@:6X@=&AE(`T*0VAO M:6-E(&]F(%!R;V=R86UM:6YG(%1O;VQK:71S+"!!;'-O($9R964 AT 1TY5($-O M;7!I;&5R#0H-"B`@("`@4T%.5$$@34].24-!+"!#86QI9BXL($%U9W5S="`R M."P@,3DY,B`M+2!1=6%R=&5R9&5C:R!/9F9I8V4-"E-Y2!0;W!E M+"!1=6%R=&5R9&5C:R=S#0IC;RUF;W5N9&5R(&%N9"!E>&5C=71I=F4@=FEC M92!P7-T96T@=&AA="!A9&AE7-T96T@*&9O0T**&9O6YA;6EC(&QI;FL@;&EB2PB(&%D9&5D(%!O M<&4N(`T*("`@("!4:&4 AT 475A7!E($UA M;F%G97(@=&\@<')O=FED92!4>7!E(#$@2P@:6YC;'5D97,@9&ES:W,@8V]N=&%I;FEN9R!T:&4-"F9U;&P AT 6#$Q(%(T M('!R;V=R86UM:6YG(&QI8G)A2!W:71H M($)E7-T96US#0I$3U,O-$=8($1/4R!E>'1E;F1E6=E;BP AT 86YD(%%U87)T97)D96-K)W,@1&5V96QO<&5R(%!A7-T96T@*$)" M4RD@2`-"F-O;7!A;GD@=&5C:&YI8VEA;G,@86YD(&1E=F5L;W!E2!6;VQU;65S(#$L(#(L(`T*("`@("`@("`@(#0 AT 86YD(#4@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("0S,#`N,#`@ M("`-"B`@("`@;R`@("!6;VQU;64@,3H AT 6&QI8B!02!F2!B M92!P;&%C960 AT 8GD@8V%L;&EN9R`H.#`P*2`S-30M,S(R,BX-"@T**&UO2P AT 36]T:68 AT 57-E2!6;VQU M;64 AT -BP@36]T:68 AT 4')O9W)A;6UI;F<@36%N=6%L+"!T:&4@#0I$15-1=FEE M=R]8($]31B]-;W1I9B!2;V%D;6%P(&%N9"!T:&4 AT 1$53479I972!O9B!T:&5I